Bring Back the Duffers! (Please Do Not Delete)

errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr where am I?

He's not in a field of daisies. I think he probably took a wrong turn at the thread-board... Unfortunately, this place is a maze. You never get out once you're in.... heh heh heh. You might as well resign yourself.:D Or should I say....resdesign yourself?:D

And as for YOU, Olorin..."65 bottles of cheese on the wall" indeed. :rolleyes: You're still in an asylum stuck back 90 or something...:p
Sorry, my cell, while it may be padded, is not soundproofed...

63 bottles of cheese on the wall, 63 bottles of cheese, you take one down, pass it around, 62 bottles of cheese on the wall!
*Calls Special Services* Yes, for OtW, yes, he's in rehab and in the 'Happy White Room' I'd like to request sound proof walls...and a feild of daisys...
*sighs in ecstasy* Maybe THAT'LL keep him quiet with his "bottles of cheese on the wall" for a while... *mutters* *mumblemumble62mumblemumbledarnedbottlesmumblemumblewhycheese?mumblemumble*