Bring Back the Duffers! (Please Do Not Delete)


*Runs off to tell the Can*

You can't tell the Can, because to come close to the Can you have to be a duffer... and you say you are not:D From now on you are forever and ever (read 1000 times) banished from the Can's presense (sp?).

And i was only trying to trick flubber of course, so we could sacrifice him along with GKoN to the Can.....
lieke said:
Wait... how can you fight against yourself...
I figured that, seeing as you've been trying to catch me now, it was only fair I should return the favor, Derny... :P
Very true, lieke. Of course, I doubt Dernhelm would agree with you... :rolleyes:
Oh it's possible! I always get into fights with myself! MOstly myself yelling at me...but...then You and I come in the picture and they get in an even bigger fight and pretty soon my fists are flyin!