Will rolled his eyes, "It was so not funny. he siad puting the glasses in teh sink and setting the vodka back in the fridge, "Hey...feeling better?" he asked ANna as he rinsed the shot glasses out
"Well that's good," he said then darted a glair at Cara. he didn't like being messed with...he didn't mind doing the messing but when it was the other way around...it really bugged him
Will looked at Anna as he dired his hands, "you name it we have it." then he looked over at Cara, "No...I think I'll go up and sleep or something." he shot
"Your welcom," Will said slamming the fridge door shut. he raqn up to Cara and grabbed her bny the arm swinging her around to face him, "so is that why you did it...just as some little joke?"