~Grateful * Surrender~ New member Sep 18, 2008 #2,241 his shoulder slumped as he stuck his hands in his pockets and looked down at his fluffy white rug, "why?"
his shoulder slumped as he stuck his hands in his pockets and looked down at his fluffy white rug, "why?"
oxford girl New member Sep 18, 2008 #2,242 "Will, you hardly know me." Cara said. "How can you say taht something about me compels you to tell the truth?"
"Will, you hardly know me." Cara said. "How can you say taht something about me compels you to tell the truth?"
~Grateful * Surrender~ New member Sep 18, 2008 #2,243 "Becaus it does," he said looking up at her, "I...I can't explain it but...maybe it;s because you are so honset...I don't know."
"Becaus it does," he said looking up at her, "I...I can't explain it but...maybe it;s because you are so honset...I don't know."
oxford girl New member Sep 18, 2008 #2,244 Cara stared at him. "I need a drink." She turned and headed for teh door.
~Grateful * Surrender~ New member Sep 18, 2008 #2,245 "Cara," he called after he, "don't." ooc: I'm going to have to go in a minute but I will be back on
oxford girl New member Sep 18, 2008 #2,246 ooc. ok, I'll be here ic. Cara stopped. She turned and looked back at him. "why?"
~Grateful * Surrender~ New member Sep 18, 2008 #2,247 "Please don't just walk out like that." he said taking a few steps towards her
~Grateful * Surrender~ New member Sep 18, 2008 #2,249 "Because of this," he said pointing to the both of them, "whatever this is but...don't you want to find out?" he asked now standing in front of her
"Because of this," he said pointing to the both of them, "whatever this is but...don't you want to find out?" he asked now standing in front of her
oxford girl New member Sep 18, 2008 #2,250 Cara looked up at him. Did she want to find out? Was she willling to risk getting hurt? She stepped closer and softly kissed him.
Cara looked up at him. Did she want to find out? Was she willling to risk getting hurt? She stepped closer and softly kissed him.
~Grateful * Surrender~ New member Sep 18, 2008 #2,251 he left his one hand in his pocket and the other one at his side as he slowly pulled away, "is that a yes?"
he left his one hand in his pocket and the other one at his side as he slowly pulled away, "is that a yes?"
~Grateful * Surrender~ New member Sep 18, 2008 #2,253 he smiled leting one hand rest on her waist, "ok...I'm glad that was a yes."
~Grateful * Surrender~ New member Sep 18, 2008 #2,257 ooc: sorry for the delays in posts the server is being a pain he smiled back, "How about you?"
~Grateful * Surrender~ New member Sep 18, 2008 #2,259 "If Liam comes back tomorrow what will you do?" he asked. he had said they would cross that bridge when it came but he wanted to know. he brushed his fingers against her cheek
"If Liam comes back tomorrow what will you do?" he asked. he had said they would cross that bridge when it came but he wanted to know. he brushed his fingers against her cheek
oxford girl New member Sep 18, 2008 #2,260 Cara looked down. What would she do? "I dont know." She said honastly.