Will sat down next to Carley still holding his stomach, "So socking guys is that a normal roustine for you?"
"Ok so lets get your toys cleaned up," he said putting her down, "she is really something," he said turning to Crystal
"So what you claim a life of celibacy, then?" he asked with a teasing edge
"Oh come one," he sighed, " loosen up. Life is meant to be lived not horded away inside of yourself." he wsn't teasing now. he was being the person people rarely ever saw
"My life is theatre. It's all I care about besides my parents," Carley said, still filling out the rehearsal form.
he set his hand down on her paper so she couldn't write, "Seriousely?" he shook his head, "I wish I oculd convince you other wise. I mean there is a whole world of things to enjoy out there."
Neil leaned a little closer, "So can I kiss you or should I not?" he glanced at Amy