Rachel Hurd-Wood. Im ALWAYS being mistaken for her. Its so cool! I was at this Italian restaurant and this family were like..eating..(no, duh) and I was all not..eating..and then they kept staring at me and I was like....not eating..and then I heard them whipering about Peter Pan while staring at me..not eating...and then I realised that they had mistaken me for Rachel Hurd-WOod and I started to speak in an ENglish accent and my granparents (who have spanish accents) were all like "oh kehhhhhhh eeeeowwwwwww vat esss theesssss" and im like "Halllo".
It worked! They just kept staring at me..not eating....and then the pasta arrived!
But yeah I look like her..kinda freaky...which means that Jeremy would like me if he saw me, I...I think..but, ehh I dont liek him that much anymore..its like what OIWW said..been there. Done that. Im Skandys candy now *ignores the fact that that sounds kinda wrong*.