Candy For A Dead Man


Well-known member
The second story featuring Detective Harry Stone. So far have only written what you see here. Hope to make more. Enjoy. :)
For those newer to Detective Harry Stone, I recommend reading his first appearance in The Blue Locust Mystery.

Candy For A Dead Man

Chapter 1: Marley’s Death

Mr. Keith Marley, otherwise known as The Confectionery King (due to the candy bars of his last name) had died approximately at ten past one in his office/Study of his main confectionery shipping building.
The speculation of his death was somewhat final because the doors and windows were locked. But something to Detective Harry Stone seemed somewhat amiss.
He surveyed the body of the forty five year old manufacturer and maker of Marley’s Candy Bars, the late Mr. Marley himself.
The body was dressed in a comfortable-looking grey business suit that included jacket and pants with a white shirt underneath, the collar of which was rumpled. Completing the ensemble of attire the late Mr. Marley wore as he died was a pair of dark grey socks and polished black shoes.
The body had not been disturbed, as far as Detective Stone could see. The victim was slumped forward on his desk, a wrapped brown bag looking untouched beside the hand where Mr. Marley held a half-eaten candy bar, one from his stock.
Detective Harry Stone was sitting in the chair opposite the body, observing it with great thought. Taking a puff from his cigarette, he knew the press would have a field day with this. He could see the headline now, “Candy King Killed Self In Office” or something to that effect. But Harry Stone knew he was getting ahead of himself. He was the one in charge of the investigation, despite the fact that even the crime scene boys seemed to have closed the book on this one. Purely a simple case of suicide.
It was no secret that Mr. Marley was distraught due to the fact several batches of his candy bars were contaminated. Even the employees and workers were afraid to touch a bar in case it was tainted.
‘Oh the merry king goes round and round only to find himself on the ground,’ thought Detective Stone grimly to himself.
Taking another breath in after sighing out his cigarette smoke, Detective Stone felt a nagging doubt in his mind. He was just not sure as the other police and crime scene scientists had been. And what aggravated Harry Stone most was that he did not know exactly what it was that made him so unsure.

Detective Harry Stone turned and left the office whilst still in thought as he entered the room where Mr. Marley’s secretary worked. A few other officers were around, one or two of which were interviewing a woman dressed in strict attire. She wore a grey overcoat with a white turtleneck and a long drab grey secretarial dress and smart black lady shoes.
The person who found the body was Mr. Marley’s secretary, a Miss Wilson whom seemed like a capable woman in her late fifties.
“I had found Mr. Marley at one. I was only going in to see if there was anything else I could do just before going out for my Lunch break,” muttered the distraught woman for the third time while trying to maintain her steel-like resolve.
She felt rather encumbered by the pressure of the police, not that she minded because she wanted this unpleasantness to be over as soon as possible. But the roundabout way the police seemed to be asking the same questions over and over again mildly ticked her off.
“Did Mr. Marley usually keep his door unlocked?” asked a young officer to Miss Wilson.
Miss Wilson seemed to do a sharp intake of breath lightly because this was another question already asked of her but she was not one to leave a question unanswered.
“Mr. Marley was a man who believed never to turn away visitors…even the unwanted ones. His office was like his home and his workers or family knew that if they ever needed to see him, they could at any time,” replied Miss Wilson crisply in a serious manner.
Believing they had gotten all they could after a few more questions, the officers left via the doorway to the outer hall of the Marley Bars Building.
Two patrolmen stayed outside guarding the outer door whilst Patrolman Bob Wallis stood next to Detective Stone by the inner door, being the patrolman on guard of the door to Mr. Marley’s inner office.
“Seems cut and dry sir,” remarked Bob Wallis to Detective Stone after the other officers had left and Miss Wilson looked relieved to no longer be barraged by repetitive questions.
“We shall see Bob, we shall see,” responded Detective Stone as he smirked slightly and took another puff of his cigarette.
“Oh, Miss Wilson?” queried Detective Stone as he walked forward whilst leaving a puzzled Bob Wallis to watch him in his stead.
Miss Wilson had walked to her desk and had picked up a few papers and file folders before her attention was drawn by the voice of Detective Stone. She glanced up at the shabby man wearing a brown overcoat and hat with a cigarette in his left hand.
“Yes, Detective…?” asked a befuddled Miss Wilson, her steely exterior gone for a slight moment and displayed the distressed woman who seemed to have almost run out of patience.
“Detective Stone. If you would be so kind to tell me, how long have you worked for Mr. Marley?”
Miss Wilson seemed at ease with this question and regained her composure. It was better than what the other officers had asked and this Detective Stone’s voice did not seem to have the hounding hint that she detected from the other cops. Adjusting the papers in her hands by tapping them lightly on her desk, Miss Wilson placed them down again and sat at her desk on her chair with the efficient elegance that senior secretaries possessed.
“I have worked for Mr. Marley’s company and family for over thirty years. Aside from my secretarial duties, Mr. Marley gave me the post of Housekeeper to his Estate. Any dealings with the house when I was away were taken care of by another of the Staff,” remarked Miss Wilson with an almost benevolent glare.
Detective Stone nodded slightly, almost as if he was absorbing all she said with his vacant expression.
“Yes, we know that. Did Mr. Marley expect company today?” Detective Stone asked as he took another puff on his cigarette.
“Mr. Marley’s visitors were never put on file, unless it was a new employee or company representative,” said Miss Wilson after a few seconds of consideration. “As far as I can recall, he received at least two new workers-in-training and one new company representative.”
Detective Stone rubbed his stubble chin in thought whilst holding his lit cigarette in his other hand.
“And what of old employees?” he finally asked after a few seconds of rubbing his chin before placing his cigarette back within his mouth, the tip once more aglow with renewed breath.
Miss Wilson appeared to mull the question over, her brisk business-like mind almost struggling to remember.
“As far as I can tell you, only one old employee paid a visit to Mr. Marley’s office,” she responded with a slight grimace.
“Really? That interests me a great deal. What was the man’s name?” asked Detective Stone as he rested his cigarette upon his pursed lips to allow himself to take out his notepad and pencil from the folds of his over-worn long coat.
Miss Wilson did not hold back her disdain at such an untidy appearance but could tell the detective was not one to care for personal grooming habits and merely gave a small frown of disapproval before replying.
“His name is Albert Jenkins, a senior employee,” remarked Miss Wilson, her efficient manner not deterring Detective Stone from scribbling busily into his notepad as she replied to his question.
“And your opinion of Mr. Jenkins?” suddenly asked Detective Stone, glancing up from his notepad. His pencil was hovering at the ready whilst his lit cigarette lingered smoke from between his wavering lips as he tried to talk.
Miss Wilson was caught off-guard and for a brief second or two she did not say anything before responding.
“I have no opinion of Mr. Jenkins. I do not socialize with the workers of the factory,” she said in a candid tone, her voice firm with conviction that she did not approve of “work relations” when they were not needed.
“I understand, Miss Wilson. Did Mr. Marley often get visits from his staff?” asked Detective Stone, his hand scribbling more notes.
“Well, in a manner of speaking, yes. Mr. Marley was a benevolent man. He allowed his workers to see him in any time of need. Whether it be a time of crisis, work related or not,” replied Miss Wilson candidly. “But, Detective Stone, why are you inquiring into what is considered a simple suicide case?”
Detective Harry Stone glanced up after his hand stopped writing in his notepad and as soon as Miss Wilson finished with her own question to him.
“Because, Miss Wilson…it is not a simple case anymore, not to me,” he replied with an almost sly smirk as he puffed out more smoke from his slightly parted lips. “A man known to be distraught yet also known to be a fair boss and benevolent seems hardly likely in this case to be known to commit suicide. A man accustomed to leaving his door unlocked, that hardly matches with what we know to be true today,” he said as he walked over to the outer door.
“Also, I do not believe a man who would be contemplating suicide would order lunch, Miss Wilson. Good day,” added Detective Harry Stone just before pocketing his notebook and tipping his hat lightly to Miss Wilson. He walked out of the outer office with the smirk still plastered to his face, a trail of cigarette smoke lingering as he left.

(to be continued...)
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Mister Marley seems to have been a much nicer man than the Marley in A Christmas Carol. As for "candy bars of his last name," does this mean that a brand of candy called Marley _actually_ exists where you live, or that there is such a brand-name _only_ in the world of your story?
Mister Marley seems to have been a much nicer man than the Marley in A Christmas Carol. As for "candy bars of his last name," does this mean that a brand of candy called Marley _actually_ exists where you live, or that there is such a brand-name _only_ in the world of your story?

As far as I know, there are no Marley Bars manufactured in Australia....just a brand name I made by coincidence on the fly that happens to sound believable of my character's last name.

A candy maker murdered? That's a profession you don't see in mysteries every day. ;)

I know. I felt the need to have a profession not known to be murdered...much less a kind man in his expertise too, which my story states as fact. I have no idea where I got the idea from, only just popped into my head as I wrote the title and it fleshed itself out from there. Glad you are enjoying it so far. :)
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(Chapter 1, part 2…)

Detective Harry Stone felt himself at a loss of what to do next. Sure, he had an inkling of a case to declare it as a Homicide rather than Suicide, but even he knew hunches and ordered lunches did not a case make. With these perturbed thoughts running throughout his head, he made his way down from the office area towards the packaging and shipping depot where the sole product, Marley Bars, were to be sealed in boxes and delivered to designated trucks for delivery.
The main processing plant was subdivided in four conveyor belts where the human workers would be situated in to check the sealing of each individual candy bar before a final inspection by a supervisor at the end to package the bars in sealed packaged boxes to the trucks.
This was all explained by the four foremen that supervised the other workers per conveyor belt and was well known within a tour brochure of the Marley Factory. As far as the investigation was concerned, public knowledge of the running of the factory was just glossed over as unimportant data for the deceased’s obvious case of suicide.
Detective Stone mused over these facts silently to himself, still keeping even the most basic information at hand to ease his investigative mind. Whilst pondering these thoughts in his head, Detective Stone let his eyes wander over this remarkable piece of machinery in front of himself, just shaking his head at the grandness of it all. Not the machine itself, just his own thoughts currently on this case.
‘Candy King Killed Self In Office,’ he thought grimly, the previous thought clouding his mind as the words resonated within his mind over and over again until he shook his head and looked down at his own scribbled notes in his notebook he had grabbed from his pocket hurriedly.
With a sour grimace upon his face, Harry Stone put his notebook back into his brown jacket pocket and sat upon a nearby wooden stool to somehow grasp his own addled sanity back into working order. With a deep breath, Detective Stone let himself calm down within the exhale of his breath from his mouth.
“Sir?” an inquiring voice said from the left of Harry Stone quietly in a mild mannered tone so not to startle Detective Harry Stone in contemplative thought.
Detective Stone drew his attention to the mild mannered speaker with ease, the obvious voice of Patrolman Bob Wallis standing to attention in his usual policeman’s uniform at the ready.
“What you got for me, Bob?” casually asked Detective Harry Stone with a wry and crooked grin.
“Well, I don’t really know, Sir. Miss Wilson asked me to give you this,” Bob replied with a folder file outstretched in his hand towards Detective Stone.
“Anything else?” Detective Stone asked as he took the file from Bob Wallis and glanced at the tab at the top that bared a name marked as Joey Marley.
“Just that she told me to give this to you if you needed help,” remarked Patrolman Bob Wallis with a shrug of his shoulders.
The simple minded Patrolman seemed oblivious as Detective Stone subtlety raised an eyebrow in mild interest.
“Very good, Bob. You may return to your duty,” dismissed Detective Stone and Patrolman Bob Wallis gave a salute before leaving back to his post to guard the crime scene.

( to be continued…)
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Bob Wallis appears to be straddling the gap between Doctor Watson and Inspector Lestrade.


( chapter 1, part 3…)

Detective Harry Stone glanced down at the file folder within his hands, the lingering trail of cigarette smoke a mere inconvenience as the detective’s mind was elsewhere.
With a mirthful small chuckle escaping his slightly parted lips, Harry Stone opened the file of this new lead he was given moments ago in proxy by Miss Wilson. He did not question the authenticity of the file, the dossier appearing genuine for Joey Marley, obviously a relative of the recently deceased victim.
As he sat musing over the file, Detective Stone allowed his eyes to wander over the unremarkable papers with photo attached as a referral job application. It consisted of three pages with staples imprinted within the top left most corner to keep the papers in place of the file. The photo was the only remarkable notation within, at least, since it was a printed photograph and not type-written in precise spacing. It depicted a mid twenties male wearing glasses and a somber expression of boredom as he knew his photo was going to be taken. His demeanour was elegant yet slouchful as the dark black hair was slightly parted to the side in a gothic yet geeky fashion. Even in the “Notes” section at the bottom of the last page had nothing of interest, just that Joey Marley seemed an average but good worker at the factory.
Shaking his head lightly, Detective Harry Stone almost missed something upon his first skim through of the three papers until he re-read a certain paragraph in a background of previous employment that was at least somewhat relating to the case at hand.
‘Oh how merrily we dance and sing, playing music for our King,’ mused Detective Stone with slight amusement.
For upon the file’s second page in clear black and white was the information that interested Detective Harry Stone. Joey Marley used to work in a pharmaceutical plant, detecting and getting rid of poisons.

Chapter One End.

( to be continued…)
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( chapter 2, part 1… )

Chapter Two: Candied Manor

Detective Harry Stone was within his squad car, travelling with concentration as he bypassed the gravelled path up to The Marley Estate. Mr. Marley and his entire family lived within a mansion estate up in what the locals called The Hills, an upscale rich district of the neighbourhood. Quite a prestigious and hilly terrain, a stark contrast to the industrial district where the victim had worked from.
Despite his earlier revelations, Detective Stone knew it was just a possibility of a chance Joey Marley was a suspect in his lead investigation. There was no concrete evidence as of yet. But he was not giving up. First, he decided, some general inquiries were needed and that was why he was on his way to the family abode of the Marleys.
As he reached an imposing iron gate blocking his way in his vechile, Detective Stone idled his car to a standstill nearby the barrier that held a large stonework wall to keep nosy people off the private property. A small guard station was embedded to the the side with a person garbed in an off-grey uniform with a badge and holding a cup of what Harry Stone assumed was by now cold coffee clasping the cup holder in their right hand. The man was not drinking, merely holding the cup at mid belly level as the security guard on duty was observing as Harry Stone rolled up next to the closed iron gate in his squad car.
“Afternoon,” Harry Stone said cordially as he displayed his Police ID badge towards the security guard.
There was a brief nod but no reply as the security guard just lifted his cup of coffee in response with his right hand to his mouth as his left hit a small button and a buzzer started. As the buzzing sound stopped, the iron gate started to buckle before opening inwards from both sides to allow passage into the private grounds of the Marley Estate.
“Much obliged,” Harry Stone stated whilst putting his policeman’s ID back in his pocket before placing his car in gear to move forward.
The security guard said nothing, merely having done his job as he saw fit and watched as the police vechile continued past the open gate. After the car bypassed the entry point, the guard pushed the button again to close the iron gates once more.

( to be continued…)
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( chapter 2, part 2… )

The grandiose of the Marley Estate was lush in topiaries and a large water fountain serving as a prelude to the entrance of Marley Manor. Passing by the statue fountain was the white marble steps leading up to the entrance of Marley Manor, ornate white marble rounded stones served as bannisters on both ends of the looming stairs. Though few steps led up to the entrance, counting at most eleven steps that ended up to a flush cobblestones pathway that bordered upon the entranceway towards the house.
Detective Harry Stone parked his car and got out of his vehicle with a determined look in his eye and purpose within his steps.
Without much problems thus far, Detective Stone made his way to the front entrance after ascending the marble stairs.
Taking a slight pause in front of the front wooden doors, Detective Stone raised his arm and pushed the front door buzzer.
A slight buzz emitted from the buzzer, sending a silent alert that somebody had rung the front doorbell, leaving Harry Stone to wait patiently until after a few seconds the front door was opened.
The person whom answered the door was a man looking to be in his mid thirties with a look of shocked confusion. His attire was that of common chic, possibly a casual look of the upper class with a cashmere sweater that was coloured off white and wearing blue jeans with white sneakers. The blonde hair was slicked back with accents of chestnut brown streaks, the angular face befitting his upper body physique and his green eyes seemed to convey a slight sign of arrogance and befuddlement at just opening the door to Detective Harry Stone.
“Yes? What is it?” asked the man to the stranger at his doorstep. The accent was English with a little haughtier than thou type attitude.
“Detective Harry Stone, here about the late Mr. Marley,” replied back Detective Stone somewhat curtly as he flashed his police identification badge to the man.
The look of arrogance was replaced by a grimace as the man looked with indifference to Detective Harry Stone.
“Well, come on in,” begrudgingly stated the man as he opened the door fully and stepped to the side inside to allow Detective Stone access to the inside of Marley Manor.

( to be continued… )
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( chapter 2, part 3… )

It took but a moment for Detective Harry Stone to assess his surroundings as he entered the spacious hallway of Marley Manor, the echoes of his footsteps eerily similar to almost feeling like an intruder within a dead person’s burial crypt. The clandestine effect was prominent and not lost upon Detective Stone as he held back his urge to light up another cigarette for fear of making his trepidatious feeling of unwelcome all more pronounced with his mere presence. He felt the need to take his fedora hat off in some semblance of proper decorum as the man whom had answered the door shut it behind himself with an awkward bang that reverberated within this empty chamber of a large entryway of a Grand Hall.
Taking in the ostentatious paintings that beheld figures of unknown renown as self portrait pieces aligning the walls, Detective Stone marked the plaques as bearing the last names of the Marley lineage.
“Rather a stern looking lot, I must say,” briefly muttered the man in the cashmere sweater that strained at the woollen seams as he crossed his arms in a guarded gesture towards the detective.
“Yes, well, I gather Mr. Marley must have been sentimental,” wryly stated Detective Stone in reply, leaving the comment on a more ambiguous note.
The man seemed to scoff outwardly in a snide manner, his face obviously one showing slight disdain.
“Uncle Keith was a man of family values, nothing more. Take it from me, detective, there were no ghosts in these halls haunting him,” off handedly commented the man before his attention was drawn away by the sudden apparition of a female voice coming from above.
“Patrick, who is it?” the mystery voice asked with curious intent, but still held the firm air of grace and command one would have if not for the feminine undertones of slight cautionary worry.
The speaker was upon the upper staircase, having come from the upper landing of the next floor above, a woman looking in her mid forties with flowing to the left side brunette hair and wearing a simple bed gown of cloth fabric one would find of one that had just gotten out of bed.

( to be continued… )
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( chapter 2, part 4… )

“Pardon my mother, Detective Stone. She has not been well as of recently. This is a detective, Mother. Here on business about Uncle Keith,” proclaimed the man the woman had introduced as Patrick Marley, which seemed to ease the woman’s guarded manner somewhat into a more relaxed posture.
“Very well. Though why the cops are bothering us is beyond me. Honestly, they appear worse than the news hounds,” briskly muttered the woman with reproach as she gazed down from her position upon the stairwell with disfavour towards Detective Harry Stone.
Detective Harry Stone did not let this faze him in the slightest as he gave a slight bow towards what he assumed was the mistress of Marley Manor, possibly sibling to the late great Mr. Keith Marley. This slight motion seemed to dissuade the slight image of repulsion from Mary Marley’s temperamental face, the condescending look now replaced by a tired woman in need of rest.
“I shall trust you with this, Patrick. Good day to you, detective,” she announced with a tired air of decorum before proceeding back upstairs until she was out of sight.
“My Mother, Mary Marley, is trying at times. Sorry for her rudeness,” Patrick Marley stated as he drew his attention back towards Detective Stone with a half apologetic sarcastic smile playing upon the corners of his lips.
“No need to apologise, Mr. Marley. I trust the shock of her brother’s death is more than enough to justify her actions,” replied back Harry Stone with an edge of sympathy within his voice that seemed to catch Patrick Marley’s boyish nature off guard.
“Yes, quite. Would you care to join me in the Lounge for refreshments?” Patrick offered as he recovered slightly from this small exchange of words but felt it best not to let himself be riled up by nothing.
“That would be nice, yes. Then I can get down to business of why I am here,” remarked Detective Harry Stone as he placed his hat back upon his head as Patrick led the way towards a side room from the grand foyer entrance.

( to be continued… )
( chapter 2, part 5… )

The Side Lounge was a comfortable atmosphere to Detective Harry Stone. Though it would be stylised as “too English” with niceties to the chagrined simple man, he could not fault it as he relaxed upon the chaise lounge, ignoring the tacky floral pattern surrounding himself in this seat.
Patrick Marley was sitting across from him, the man evidently looking slightly nervous behind his smiling facade of a generous host.
“I gather your Uncle did not mind placating his family within this house?” asked Detective Stone with a broad smile as he took out his notebook and pen.
Patrick Marley glanced down at the notebook as Detective Stone flipped it open before hesitantly looking back up towards the detective’s eyes with a slightly irritated expression upon his face.
“Not that it matters in the slightest, but yes. He did not mind. As I stated before, family was everything to him,” Patrick responded whilst clenching his fists at the insinuation of the American detective’s question.
Detective Stone paid the young man’s emotional outburst no mind, just scribbling down in his notebook until he went on to his next question.
“And I gather there is no problem with Joey Marley?”
This question seemed to perplex Mr. Patrick Marley, as noted when Detective Stone surveyed the man’s face there was a faint trace of hesitance before he answered the question.
“My brother had fallen on rough times. Uncle Keith felt it best to give him a job.”
“In the family business, too. There was no ill blood between them?”
At this question, the face beheld a bemused sneer of incredulous expression upon Patrick Marley’s face.
“If anything, it made the family stronger. Joey always got the inclination that he was the bad seed of our mother’s side of the family. Don’t know why, he always was a decent brother to me,” sighed out Patrick Marley with a small shake of disbelief of his head.
“I see. Why do you think that is?” Detective Stone asked with genuine inquiry.
“Damned if I know. We are a close knit family, detective. Us Marleys hold no secrets from one another,” responded back Patrick Marley with an honest shrug of his shoulders.
“And where are the rest of the Marley family?” asked Detective Stone.
“Well, the current distant relatives are abroad on some vacation or such. Ruth Marley, my aunt-in-law and Uncle Keith’s wife, is around some place. Last I saw her was near the gardens. Uncle Kendall Marley is in his art studio, in the Drawing Room, I gather. He is an estranged brother of my mother and Uncle’s,” candidly responded Patrick Marley as Detective Stone started scribbling notes in his notebook.
Detective Stone paused and gave a few seconds of thought before continuing.
“And your brother? Where is he?”
Detective Stone noticed another hesitant pause before Patrick Marley answered if somewhat reluctantly.
“In the Parlour,” he said in a somewhat melancholy tone.
Detective Harry Stone did not register this as he did not want to pry further and stood up before Patrick had a chance to recover.
“Thank you, Mr. Marley,” Detective Stone stated briskly as he tipped his hat in acknowledgement before exiting the Side Lounge and leaving a baffled Patrick Marley still in a daze.

Chapter 2 End.

( to be continued… )
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( chapter 3, part 1… )

Chapter 3: Family Matters…

It took Detective Harry Stone but a few seconds after leaving the Side Lounge and closing the door dramatically behind himself that he had no indication of where to go next within Marley Manor, as he had inadvertently left his host behind.
Lucky for him that a flustered looking maid at that moment was walking swiftly by with some stained linen within her hands nearby the flummoxed detective.
“Excuse me, do you happen to know where the Parlour is?” Detective Stone sheepishly asked as she was passing him.
The maid stopped and drew her attention over to the strange man in a shabby overcoat and worn out fedora upon his head. She just gave an exaggerated look of weariness before replying without a second thought, “Two doors down to the right.”
Detective Harry Stone would have thanked her but the maid just kept walking without a second to waste, obviously too busy for pleasantries and scurried away with her overburdened laundry in tow.
Taking the advice with a pinch of bemused guile upon his lips, Detective Harry Stone followed the instructions given and briefly knocked outside of a dark oaken door that beheld slight filigree of floral pattens in an overarching vine motif etched within the door.
“Come in,” came a rather bored yet youthful voice that beheld a faint tone of command in a muffled manner from behind the door.

Detective Stone opened the Parlour door with trepidation, yet eagerness to do his job overcoming his nervousness with ease as he beheld the dimly lit room and the person within.
One could almost akin it to the old style opium dens as the room was insulated with an air purifier of sorts that made the musky air recirculate within this dank and dingy room.
A person was sitting within a dark mahogany chair, seemingly slouched in a position of bored relaxation. It did not take a genius like Detective Stone to figure out whom he was in the presence of as he had seen the face in their work dossier. He was in the company of Keith Marley’s younger nephew, Joey Marley.

( to be continued… )
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( chapter 3, part 2… )

Detective Stone entered the Parlour and closed the door behind himself, watching the twenty six year old man known as Joey Marley observe him enter with a look of contempt from behind his glasses.
“Who are you?” Joey Marley asked with a melancholic sneer etched upon his callous and gloomy face.
“Detective Harry Stone,” Harry Stone announced, not letting this upstart of a young man upset his professional manner.
There was a shift in Joey Marley’s face from irritated to bored complexity as Detective Stone introduced himself. It looked like his shoulders slumped from an agitated state into one of relaxed boredom.
“This about Uncle Kieth, huh?” Joey Marley surmised in a contemplative sigh.
“Yes, it is. My colleagues believe it to be suicide, Mr. Marley,” said Detective Stone as he wandered deeper into the room and sat across from Joey Marley in a matching chair set.
Joey Marley gave a brief nod of his head nervously, a frown etched upon his pale face as Detective Stone gave him the news that would be traversing half of America by now.
“But, I believe not. I have evidence that he was murdered. Poisoned, to be precise,” Detective Stone stated, looking closely at Joey Marley’s reaction.
Joey Marley did not move an inch, his eyes staring back at Detective Stone with a non-plussed look of unsurprising intensity.
“And?” prompted Joey Marley after several seconds of silence filled the dark void between the two men.
“And you seem to already know this news,” mused Detective Stone, which caused Joey Marley to narrowly squint in scrutiny at the detective.
“Detecting poisons and toxins and getting rid of them is my job, detective. I’d be a very poor chemist if I could not do it effortlessly. Besides, my Uncle Kieth was in fine health. The only conclusion in my mind is that he was poisoned,” Joey Marley responded with a bored tone as he slouched more within his chair. “And I suppose you think I did it?”
Detective Harry Stone glanced up as he had already taken out his notebook and was scribbling down notes as Joey Marley was answering his question until Joey Marley asked his own.
“It is early days yet, Mr. Marley. I know you are dealt the worst hand around the family’s dining room table when it comes down to it. But, I assure you, there is no blame here,” Detective Harry Stone clearly uttered as he stood up from his chair with Joey Marley watching him closely like a glum hawk.
“Besides, if you were the murderer of your Uncle, I doubt very much you would be stupid enough to poison him,” added Detective Harry Stone as he opened the Parlour door and turned to face the now bathed in hall light bespectacled man.
For the first time since this brief meeting, Mr. Joey Marley let the veneer facade of gothic gloominess crack from his face incredulously. A small smile crept up on the man’s face as he acknowledged Detective Stone with a moment of respectable intelligence.
Detective Stone shut the Parlour door behind him as he left, shaking his head at meeting the supposed black sheep of the Marley family and household. He glanced down at his notebook and circled two words that he emboldened under the heading of “Joey Marley: NOT GUILTY??” before closing his notebook and continuing upon his way through Marley Manor.

( to be continued… )
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( chapter 3, part 3… )

It took Detective Harry Stone a few minutes as he surveyed the ground floor to find the Drawing Room by randomly opening a few doors until on his third try he opened a double door that emitted an overwhelming stench of freshly applied paint and he knew that he had found his objective. There was no mistaking he was in the right place as the room looked to be a converted art studio of sorts with newspapers covering the wooden tiled floor and what was once white linen covering furniture now stained with blobs of coloured paint haphazardly strewn about.
As he entered this renovated space, Detective Stone delicately slipped into this room and observed what he presumed was the eccentric artist of the Marley household, the estranged brother known as Kendall Marley of the deceased Mr. Kieth Marley.
The artist seemed preoccupied with his current masterpiece, barely acknowledging Harry Stone’s presence as the forty-six year old man did not even turn from his half finished easel that housed his current painting.
“Ach, no, no, no! How did Picasso even do it so fluidly, mien dearest? Oh to be so ashamed by your own canvas!” exclaimed the artist with melancholy to himself, his lament wording expressed to his own creation like it was alive.
“Excuse me? Kendall Marley?” enquired Detective Harry Stone as he delicately coughed to announce his presence.
“What! I mean, who are you? Are you a spying on me?” asked Kendall Marley in surprise as he turned around swiftly at the sound of the intruder whom dared interrupt his work.
Detective Stone barely managed to dodge a red glob of paint as the artist twirled to face him and had inadvertently lobbed a splattering of paint from his paintbrush at this person.
“No, nothing of the sort. I am Detective Harry Stone from the police,” Detective Stone stated as the paint hit a nearby furniture that was covered by white linen.
“And what do policeman want with me? I assure you, my papers are all in order,” the German accented man frowned in response.
Detective Stone ignored this comment as he took a better look at the eccentric artist by public reputation known as Kendall Marley.
He beheld a grandiose moustache that was off black with a connected goatee beard that these artistic types seemed fond of sporting, his complexion a shade darker than that reminiscent of Joey Marley and was obviously a family resemblance with the sharp cheekbone angularity of the face. He did not sport a beret, which would be akin to the usual artsy fashion sense Detective Stone assumed artists would wear. He did wear the tailored white overcoat smock that was completed by brown trouser jeans and brown loafers, indicating a carefree lifestyle. His brown eyes and furrowed brow showed signs of agitated annoyance, possibly from being interrupted in his artistic moment.

( to be continued… )
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( chapter 3, part 4… )

Detective Harry Stone let himself straighten his back slightly to gain a smidgen of dignity in front of this agitated man.
“I am here at the bequest of your late brother,” Detective Stone stated with a serious edge to his voice.
The effect was instant, the agitated wrinkled creases upon the artist’s face softening into calm yet sad consideration.
“Keith? Ja, my brother was a good man. What is it you want to know?” Kendall Marley asked as his body tone shifted from guarded aggression into inquiry helpfulness towards Detective Stone.
Detective Harry Stone gave a subtle outward sigh of relief, glad that Kendall Marley had calmed down. The last thing he wanted was an irate German on his hands.
“What was your brother like? Did he seem happy in his current life?” Detective Stone asked plainly, getting his notepad and pen out as he asked these questions.
Kendall Marley pondered these questions deposited to him carefully until he seemed to nod his head with thought evident upon his brow as he finally answered.
“Keith never was one to let his past go. He was the sort to make do and let bygones be bygones, as the English say. I did not know much about him, I admit, because we only found out we were family about three years ago or so. But, as far as I knew, he was happy in life. Mien poor brother, why were you taken from me???” dramatically declared Kendall Marley as his emotions had gotten the better of him.
Detective Stone stayed silent, allowing the emotional tirade of the now weeping man in front of him to conclude on their own course.
It took a good full minute and some wiping of tears onto a sleeve of the smock he was wearing until Kendall Marley was finally able to compose himself enough to continue talking with Detective Stone.
“I am sorry, I am okay to continue now,” Kendall Marley muttered with sincere abashed embarrassment and allowed Detective Stone to continue with his questioning.
“Please, no need to apologise. I have to admit, my next question may be hard to answer, but please be as honest as you can. Did your brother have any enemies who may have wished him harm?” Detective Stone asked in a serious tone, interested in not only the answer but the reaction he might get from Kendall Marley.
The effect of the question was instant in the emotional artist as his worried and concerned look switched to a frowned expression upon his lips whilst his grand moustache drooped with this motion on his face.
”Nein, at least, as far as I am aware. Why do you want to know that?” Kendall Marley responded incredulously in the negative to Detective Stone’s question.
His perplexed look gave Detective Harry Stone all he needed to know with that line of questioning.
Harry Stone closed his notebook after he scribbled down a few brief notes in writing before tucking the notebook into his inner pocket of his trench coat.
“Just covering all the bases for now, Mr. Marley,” muttered Detective Stone in reply, but noted the darker look of suspicion Kendall Marley gave him as he tipped his hat towards the troubled looking artist. “I shall leave you to your discretion and art once more.”
Wth that, Detective Harry Stone left the Drawing Room with nothing left to say before Kendall Marley was able to utter a word towards him and continued his way towards the rear entrance of Marley Manor.

( to be continued… )
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( chapter 3, part 5… )

Detective Harry Stone made his way into an elongated dining room with at least ten dark wooden seats with an off-set lighter toned tan dining table that reflected the sunlight cascading within the room through wide windows.
The windows themselves also served as doors to a picturesque view of the back garden and green grass acreage of Marley Manor that seemed to rival the more modern front entrance that Detective Stone had wandered in from about twenty-five minutes ago. One set of these doors was open that led out to a terrace of marble and stone steps that surveyed onto the well manicured garden of Marley Manor.
Detective Harry Stone allowed himself to savour the view as he left the manor house, alighting himself the mercy of a lit cigarette as he was no longer in the house and felt he needed a momentary respite from the rules of the house as he breathed in the open air finally. It wasn’t until Harry Stone had bypassed the stone steps whilst enjoying his cigarette that he finally noticed he was not alone within the garden grounds.
A woman with auburn hair in a one piece leotard of silken wrappings was sitting cross legged upon the grass, obviously in a mantra like sitting position. She looked at least forty years old and beheld a stately air about herself. She did not wear much as she was in a relaxed moment of silent meditation. The only other clothes she wore beside her fitness outfit was a headband of neon green around the centre of her forehead.
“Mrs. Ruth Marley?” inquired Detective Stone as he haphazardly took his half finished cigarette in his hand and crushed it against the corner edge of a nearby marble statuette vase containing some flower he had no clue about.
The woman responded without a word, raising her hand up in strict silence until she opened her emerald green eyes and stared at Detective Harry Stone with serene yet steadfast contemplation.
“Yes? Who are you and what do you want?” she asked without attitude or condescending tone, her voice light and inquisitive as her eyes beheld a sense of tranquility within them.

( to be continued… )
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( chapter 3, part 6… )

Detective Harry Stone removed his ramshackle hat in a sign of polite decorum, holding it limply by his left side before stuffing it haphazardly within his trench coat outer pocket so he had his hands free to retrieve his pen and notepad at the ready.
“Detective Harry Stone, Mrs. Marley. I have the unfortunate job of following up your recently deceased husband’s death,” Harry Stone stated bluntly whilst betraying his professional standing to remain unflustered in the presence of the victim’s now widow.
Mrs. Ruth Marley gazed at Detective Stone with a quizzical expression upon her fair face before it softened into one of understanding.
“I am sorry, Detective Stone. But, I thought my husband died of suicide,” Ruth Marley uttered calmly, blinking in mild surprise.
“Officially, that is where it stands, yes. But, you know how it is, Mrs. Marley. We have to tie up everything in regard to the investigation,” Detective Stone muttered dryly, which made Ruth Marley look at him with intelligent eyes.
To his shock, Ruth Marley’s shoulders relaxed in a sudden sigh, her demeanour that of a deflated balloon and like a facade stripped from the perfect image of a woman saving face in the public eye.
“Thank goodness you seem to acknowledge the truth, Detective. I believe my husband did not kill himself, accident or otherwise. He was murdered, I know it!” the now crying woman vehemently declared towards Detective Stone.
For the second time of the day, Detective Harry Stone allowed the nature of emotions to run their course, but took note in his notepad the uncanny occurrence whilst Mrs. Ruth Marley had regained herself within three minutes of pent up emotions being stoppered by at least heaving breaths of the fresh garden air.
“As stated, Mrs. Marley, it is still premature for me to say. But rest assured, I shall prevail at solving the circumstances of your husband’s death,” Detective Stone stated profoundly that he noticed seemed to ease the uncertainty that he had detected within her pleading green eyes. “Now, if he was murdered, do you have any idea of who would want your husband dead?”
Ruth Marley gave a moment’s pause as she allowed the question to sink into her mind but gave a reluctant nod after thinking this question over.
“N…no, there is nobody,” she replied lightly as her face held a befuddled look of pure puzzlement.
Detective Stone gave a grimace of annoyance for the moment at that reply but decided to move on with his questioning of the lady of Marley Manor.
“And how was your relationship with the deceased?” Detective Stone asked with a twinge of sarcasm.
He immediately regretted this as he was focusing upon his notepad but could detect the slight aura of admonishment from Mrs. Marley.
“My husband and I were happily married for ten years, Detective,” Mrs. Ruth Marley snapped back with slight indignation at what she detected was a snarky question posed by the detective in front of her.
Lightly chuckling to himself at the gumption that Mrs. Marley had, Detective Stone got back on track with a serious undertone.
“Did your husband hold any ill-will towards members of his family?”
“No, I would say Keith had no illbearing bone in his body towards anybody, family or not,” Mrs. Marley said with a quivering undertone of doubt in her voice.
Detective Stone glanced up sharply at Mrs. Marley as he picked up upon her hesitation. “So, someone bore the victim ill-will?”
Mrs. Ruth Marley could not hide the obvious as she gave a slight nod in the affirmative.
“But, it was nothing. Kendall and Keith were just squabbling, as siblings do sometimes. It was a week ago before my husband’s death, Detective. And the evening after dinner when they were in the study, they were amicable towards each other again like nothing happened.”
“Hmm, that may well be, Mrs. Marley. But what troubles me is why Kendall Marley did not tell me this himself,” mused Detective Stone as he took another note scribbled into his notepad.
“Well, you know how these artists are, Detective. I can attest that Kendall had no problem with my husband,” Ruth Marley said vehemently with conviction behind her voice.
As much as Detective Harry Stone seemed suspicious of this particular piece of information, he had to agree with Mrs. Marley’s assertion and convincing argument for her brother-in-law’s innocence.

End of Chapter 3.

( to be continued… )
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( chapter 4, part 1… )

Chapter 4: Marley Bars Confectionary…

Detective Harry Stone had left the Marley Manor estate behind him, Mrs. Ruth Marley’s words resonating within his head as he made his way southward back towards the scene of the crime.
Woe set beside our Queen, for the death of our King,’ grimly thought Detective Harry Stone to himself as he parked his police cruiser in front of the ominous structure known as Marley Confectionary.
Detective Stone’s hardened face did not falter as he got out his vehicle. There was nobody around, aside from two uniformed officers stationed outside the main and only entrance to the warehouse building. They gave curt nods as Detective Harry Stone showed them his identification badge and he wandered back inside the distribution factory of the warehouse and sauntered back up towards the scene of the crime where Mr. Keith Marley’s dead body was found.
Patrolman Bob Wallis was still where Detective Stone had stationed him, the dutiful officer snapping to attention at his post as he saw Detective Stone approach him.
“Anything new to report, Bob?” wryly asked Detective Stone as he was breathing in a lungful of cigarette smoke from a freshly lit cigarette in his mouth.
Patrolman Bob Wallis just gave a rueful sigh, shaking his head in the negative. “No, Sir. Nothing new to report, aside from the removal of the body.”
“Good. Maybe once the toxicology report comes back, we can finally get somewhere,” muttered Detective Stone mostly to himself in outspoken thought.
“One can only hope, Sir,” responded Bob Wallis that made Detective Stone’s grave face snap back to reality.
“Hope is all well and good, Bob. But evidence is everything,” grimly remarked Detective Stone as he brushed aside pleasantries with cold hard facts.
Patrolman Bob Wallis nodded slowly, though the hard exterior of Detective Harry Stone’s statement just seemed to go over his head as he asked, “So, are you inspecting the scene of the crime once more, Sir?”
Detective Harry Stone’s face softened as he lightly breathed out his puff of cigarette smoke to the side of his mouth, a slight incredulous smirk betraying his gruff exterior of being a hard broiled detective.
“No, Bob. Figured I’d take a stroll in a dead man’s office,” jovially announced Detective Harry Stone’s in mirth, which just seemed to confuse the patrolman further.
Without explaining himself, Detective Stone boldly went past the bewildered Bob Wallis and entered the inner office of the deceased Mr. Keith Marley once again that day.

( to be continued… )
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( chapter 4, part 2… )

There was no sign of Miss Wilson in the area of the office, having possibly been dismissed from her duties of the day, with understandable reasons.
With a distant nod of notice at this, Detective Stone surveyed the crime scene once more, sans the body of Mr. Marley, which was undoubtedly taken to the morgue for examination.
The paper bag that was upon the desk and the half eaten candy bar the victim was holding was bagged and tagged into evidence. Other than these obvious changes, nothing else had been touched since Detective Stone had last investigated the scene of the crime.
Exhaling his breath as he lit himself up another cigarette, Detective Stone began smoking whilst in deep thought to himself.
The front view of the office desk was slightly daunting, the rich dark mahogany contrasting to the white tiled flooring in Mr. Marley’s office. Carefully treading around until he got a side angle of the desk, Detective Stone noted the white tape outline of the last resting place of Mr. Marley. The slumped position of the man was inaccessible for conventional means, hence the need for a white tape outline instead of the usual white chalk.
But, this was of no concern of Detective Harry Stone as he mulled over the facts in his mind until he placed himself upon the office chair with ease, his vantage point of what he assumed was the last view of the victim.
‘Mr. Marley was a man never to turn away visitors…’
‘Uncle Keith was a man of family values…’
‘He was the sort to let bygones be bygones…’
‘I believe my husband would not kill himself…’
These thoughts raced through Detective Stone’s mind as he let the facts of this case remain measured and calm in his demeanour, his face having an edge of almost discerning concentration as he smoked his cigarette with ease.
Patrolman Bob Wallis came in through the front glass doorway, his determined stride in his steps showing unbridled importance as he entered the area Detective Harry Stone was thinking within.

( to be continued… )
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