Caspian Rumor


New member
Rumour has it that Alex Pettyfer is down to the last two for the role as Prince Caspian in The Chronicles of Narnia : Prince Caspian.

Hoepfully we will know very soon if its for real. Maybe it is the 'project' that he shaved his hair off for. =S

Rumour started here -
5 CommentsPosted on 10 Aug 2006 by Carys<3

Does anyone know if there's ANY truth in this? I mean, dispite his looks, Alex pettyfers acting skills could do with a little brushing up. I love him and everything, REALLY do, i just don't know if he's ready for a project like Narnia.

For anyone who doesn't know who i'm on about, Alex Pettyfer plays Alex Rider in the new Stormbreaker movie.

If this is true...i'm going to be the first one at this premier...

And dudes, this isn't a girly post...i just need to know! And wouldn't mind an opinion or two on the topic!
Yes. I have heard the rumor as well. I`m not sure if it is true though. But if it is why would he shave his head for this? I mean Caspian dosn`t have very short hair he has it about down to his shoulders, or that`s atleast what it looks like in the books.
If it WAS true, ~Rogue~ or ABright5 or Specter or narniaweb would have told us so.
I don't believe it. Agree with magic - they aren't that far into casting - they haven't even decided whether Liam Neeson will be back for the voice of Aslan!
QueenSusanofNarnia said:
If it WAS true, ~Rogue~ or ABright5 or Specter or narniaweb would have told us so.
I don't believe it. Agree with magic - they aren't that far into casting - they haven't even decided whether Liam Neeson will be back for the voice of Aslan!

True Abright told me that he kept up with things. Im not so sure of him now though. He avoids my emails, PM's and everyother form of communication. Funny guy that Alex is.
<Turkish Delight> said:
Yes. I have heard the rumor as well. I`m not sure if it is true though. But if it is why would he shave his head for this? I mean Caspian dosn`t have very short hair he has it about down to his shoulders, or that`s atleast what it looks like in the books.

Who the heck is Alex Pettyfur or whatever and what else has he been in?
That IMDB site wouldn't load on my computer for some reason. Is he as handsome as PCW or CaptJack?

If you look at the cover of one version of Prince Caspian, on the book, PC has this gay looking pageboy. I hope they do NOT have a bald/shaven head Caspian, or a guy with a pageboy :eek:
I am not going to believe any rumors until Pippa Hall informs Rogue and Rogue informs everyone here, since she's the most reliable and best source for PC news :)
I know I keep repeating myself here. But in the meantime we have to contend with rumors I suppose, since we have so LONG TO WAIT FOR PC. :mad:
random point, but he shaved his head for the second Alex Rider film. Read the books. It explains all.

I really wanted Alex to play Caspian when I saw him in Stormbreaker, but having seen him at the premier, he looks alot older and alot taller now. I'm not so sure now...
You have to have an account with the IMDB to read what the persons said i'm affraid so i whipped up one pretty snappish. I agree with you though Pratterson, i doubt he would have shaved his head for role as caspian, and he would have suited it perfectly for the part with it long. But aparently he's growing it back for another movie, so i'm utterly confused.

If he does get the part i would complain, but i have heard of him not taking parts in movies because he's afraid of flying, so all the way to new zealand? I don't know. Aparently he didn't take Eragon because of it, but i don't know how true that is.
Pratterson said:
random point, but he shaved his head for the second Alex Rider film. Read the books. It explains all.

just to clear this up Alex won't be doing the second Alex Rider film... he's too old for the part now....

as for the rumor, i don't believe it. but Alex might make a good Caspian... idk, i haven't seen Tom Brown's Schooldays... a lot of people said he was acted very well in that movie
Chelle said:
Rumour has it that Alex Pettyfer is down to the last two for the role as Prince Caspian in The Chronicles of Narnia : Prince Caspian.

Hoepfully we will know very soon if its for real. Maybe it is the 'project' that he shaved his hair off for. =S

Rumour started here -
5 CommentsPosted on 10 Aug 2006 by Carys<3

Does anyone know if there's ANY truth in this? I mean, dispite his looks, Alex pettyfers acting skills could do with a little brushing up. I love him and everything, REALLY do, i just don't know if he's ready for a project like Narnia.

For anyone who doesn't know who i'm on about, Alex Pettyfer plays Alex Rider in the new Stormbreaker movie.

If this is true...i'm going to be the first one at this premier...

And dudes, this isn't a girly post...i just need to know! And wouldn't mind an opinion or two on the topic!

but alex said he was not doing another movie for alex rider but yeah when i read the book point blanc it made so much sense
omgh i hope they pick hium
i was thinking exactly the same thing when i was wathcing the movie stormbreaker
he is perfect!!!!!!!!!!
Chelle said:
Rumour has it that Alex Pettyfer is down to the last two for the role as Prince Caspian in The Chronicles of Narnia : Prince Caspian.

Hoepfully we will know very soon if its for real. Maybe it is the 'project' that he shaved his hair off for. =S

Rumour started here -
5 CommentsPosted on 10 Aug 2006 by Carys<3

Does anyone know if there's ANY truth in this? I mean, dispite his looks, Alex pettyfers acting skills could do with a little brushing up. I love him and everything, REALLY do, i just don't know if he's ready for a project like Narnia.

For anyone who doesn't know who i'm on about, Alex Pettyfer plays Alex Rider in the new Stormbreaker movie.

If this is true...i'm going to be the first one at this premier...

And dudes, this isn't a girly post...i just need to know! And wouldn't mind an opinion or two on the topic!

Oh my Goodness its you. Sorry, its Samsonite from the Alex Pettyfer swords.

Anyways. That would be a very good reason to see Prince Caspian. :D
Pippa hall isn't starting the casting until september.

Therefore, it isn't possible that he is "down to the last two" for the role of Prince Caspian.
look! he came up with an excuse for the whole casting in September deal

And i'm not sure when we'll know for definite, possibly some time in september? Maybe that's where this idea came from about not casting till then? Bu I think i can say with almost certainty that Alex pettyfer is going to be prince caspian. But i promise i'll keep you posted