CharnTim II (Please Do Not Delete)

very true Driad-but I dont know if we're olorin's followers as much as RF's adversaries ;)

*BIG high Five*!!! Absolutely...and wow, i'd kinda like to know the location of that post for blackmailing purposes :D

*high fives back*
Silly! Of course I like CT...he' I can't SAY anything that I actually think of him because then he might see it and think that I think that he's cool and that just wouldn't do!!

TPBM now understands why I must pick on Tim.

There it is.:p

And here is the link!:

It is post #1350.:p
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Yeah... blackmail works especially well if you have a sibling on TDL. Unfortunately it's a two-edged sword...

I believe Laurens correct name is Olorin ... :cool:

YES!! Finally! An ally! You can find a list of my enemies in the "fan club" they created for me... it's really an enemies club in disguise.

*lol* I think Olórin has an ally.

Yup. *nods happily*

No! Not allowed!

*eats Driad54's avvie as punishment*

SPIT IT OUT!! *stuffs salt down GG's throat till she coughs it up again*

Yep I'm Olorins ally now.


Can't imagine why It's not like Lauren is cool, or anything

Well, YOU wouldn't know...

Olorin is ... the best. Just plain and simple. You should treat him better.

*would post lots of smileys but is restrained by 4-smiley limit*

And Don Jon is friendly only with me! (and other shadow minions)

*shines flashlight at shadow minions* Where'd they go?

I agree with Driad-especially if that means disagreeing with RF :p :)

More allies! They seem to be pouring in pretty quickly now.
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Shadow Minions just go invisible when you shine light on them, so you do yourself a disservice by shining light on them.

Lucy said:
Well I don't have to go now, but I'm sad because you're leaving now! Oh well, we'll just have to make fun of Tim some more tomorrow.

TPBM is lonely now.
There, Tim, I copyed and pasted it for you, you incompetent collEge boy. And, Lucy, if you look on the time of the original post it says that it was posted TODAY so uhh...yeah I brainwashed you today.
Shadow Minions just go invisible when you shine light on them, so you do yourself a disservice by shining light on them.

There, Tim, I copyed and pasted it for you, you incompetent collEge boy. And, Lucy, if you look on the time of the original post it says that it was posted TODAY so uhh...yeah I brainwashed you today.

For YOU it is today because you're like 3 hours ahead of us, but not for me and Tim. Think for once in your life RF!:rolleyes:
I don't believe in thinking, it causes to many brain cells to die. And It's still today--because I'm cool like that.

Yes, Lauren, I live on the East Coast--I've never made any secret of that fact. I'm rather proud of it, actually.
HAHAHA, lucy you're awesome!! That's definitely copied and pasted on my computer ;)...thanks, RF, I knew you thought I was cool :cool:

Yes, Lauren, I live on the East Coast--I've never made any secret of that fact. I'm rather proud of it, actually.

actually, you originally wanted it a secret, but I found out like a year ago! :D and then got accused of being a stalker :rolleyes:

RF said:
I don't believe in thinking
About time you admitted it!
First off, Tim, no I didn't keep it a secret, I wanted MY NAME a secret, and you found THAT out. Yeah, because I told some others that I lived on the East Coast before I ever even knew you existed.

And not like your any better with the whole thinking part:rolleyes:
First off, Tim, no I didn't keep it a secret, I wanted MY NAME a secret, and you found THAT out. Yeah, because I told some others that I lived on the East Coast before I ever even knew you existed.
haha, okay. At least I figured something out :)

And not like your any better with the whole thinking part:rolleyes:

HEY! I'm a collEge grad now, I'm waaaaaay better at thinking :p
Yeah, I'm two. Several people told me I was two tonight so I guess I am. But OMS and I both know that you only graduated collEge because the professors were SICK and TIRED of you--see the beginning of the original of this thread.
But OMS and I both know that you only graduated collEge because the professors were SICK and TIRED of you--see the beginning of the original of this thread.

Oh brother! I'll have to look when I come back on, but I have to go now (goodnight! :) )
*eats the flaming hot cheetos sitting here on the computer desk tempting me. hmm I"ll have to leave those there* if only...