
or we keep losing him because we're going so fast and he's using his radio to call in reinforcements...
I don't know

Comissioner Gordon: I'll get my car

Batman: I brought mine

Comissioer Gordon: yours? *batmobile goes by* I gotta get me one of those
I can just see the police man when he sees RF and me racing down the road:

Policeman: Hey Larry, theres... nevermind... Hey Mike... no... Hey Jimmy, there's two cars comin' towards you real fast...
Jimmy: They passed me already...
Aye, aye! Who would want to catch us?
*increases to 620*
Policeman:*calls ahead to Oklahoma*Hey, whatever policeman is out there and can hear this: TWO TRUCKS GOING AT CRAZY FAST SPEEDS, ALREADY PASSED JIMMY--OVER!
Oklahoma Trooper: Uh, yeah, I copy that: but I think I just missed 'em.

*thinks about sticking hand out the window and waving bye-bye to the trooper, but is afraid that her hand will be blown off!*
*increases to 622*

So was life terribly dull while I was out of comission this past couple of days?
Now now CT, a thread can't remain yours forever, y'know! *increases to 624*

RF: Well, I had nobody to race with while you were gone, but other than that, I didn't miss you! (haha just joking)
No but its pretty dull with these last couple posts

*tackles CT*

Shut up!:p:p:P

*increases to 623*

EDIT: Gosh, I can feel the love tonight. Ya know I think I'm gonna go read some more in my extremely gory book about teenagers shooting each other up and laughing about, there is much more love between Dieter and Spence than there is here! *sniffles*And people wonder why I hate men!

*increases to 625*