Rhyanidd New member May 25, 2007 #1,641 Olorin: No, you qualify as a punk. I hate them too! *can't remember what speed Olorin increased to so she just goes straight to 700mph*
Olorin: No, you qualify as a punk. I hate them too! *can't remember what speed Olorin increased to so she just goes straight to 700mph*
Olórin the Wise New member May 25, 2007 #1,642 Wow! Jump 80 mph at once, why doncha! *increases to 701* Ever wondered how in the world my Tundra is going so fast?
Wow! Jump 80 mph at once, why doncha! *increases to 701* Ever wondered how in the world my Tundra is going so fast?
Rhyanidd New member May 25, 2007 #1,643 Not really, ever wondered why my wheels haven't turned to flame? *increases to 702* Yes I will jump as many as I want!!
Not really, ever wondered why my wheels haven't turned to flame? *increases to 702* Yes I will jump as many as I want!!
GondorGirl Devourer of Threads Staff member Knight of the Noble Order May 26, 2007 #1,647 *lumbers along* *trips and causes and earthquake*
GondorGirl Devourer of Threads Staff member Knight of the Noble Order May 26, 2007 #1,649 but they're sooo tasty! *sees lights on police car* ooo tasty
GondorGirl Devourer of Threads Staff member Knight of the Noble Order May 26, 2007 #1,651 *falls down and causes another earthquake* waaaa RF!! he's not being nice to me!!!
GondorGirl Devourer of Threads Staff member Knight of the Noble Order May 26, 2007 #1,653 all right then... Slp!!! no wait... Policeman!
Olórin the Wise New member May 26, 2007 #1,654 *sigh* I think the policemen know you were eating refrigerators.
GondorGirl Devourer of Threads Staff member Knight of the Noble Order May 26, 2007 #1,655 well I just ate their donuts so....
NarnianPrincess New member May 26, 2007 #1,657 I'm a bit lost in the current conversation and sorry to butt in, but does anyone know what happened to CharnTim?
I'm a bit lost in the current conversation and sorry to butt in, but does anyone know what happened to CharnTim?
Olórin the Wise New member May 26, 2007 #1,658 He pops around occasionally, mostly in the Socratic club... But in here we have gotten so far off topic that most of us can't remember what the original topic WAS.
He pops around occasionally, mostly in the Socratic club... But in here we have gotten so far off topic that most of us can't remember what the original topic WAS.
GondorGirl Devourer of Threads Staff member Knight of the Noble Order May 26, 2007 #1,659 well we could look back at the first page, but who wants to go to all that trouble?
Rhyanidd New member May 26, 2007 #1,660 *increases to 706* Simple, Olorin, the reason I would stand up for GG is to spite you. Shes a very logical child for all the illogical things shes eaten! *punches Olorin in the face* Don't hurt GG!!
*increases to 706* Simple, Olorin, the reason I would stand up for GG is to spite you. Shes a very logical child for all the illogical things shes eaten! *punches Olorin in the face* Don't hurt GG!!