Cheese Family

*changes topic before the beard can do anything*

i wonder... do you by chance know that "anonymous" person whom you quote in your signature, sir olórin (oh look, another accent mark!)
No idea. Actually, I know the name of the guy who said that, except without the trout part (even tough I can't think of his name right now) - I just don't know who added the trout part.
beeearrrd....0.o..yesterday I was listening to the radio and the program had a guy on that could lift stuff up with his beard! :eek: he lifted like...20 lbs with his beard, as in, he had clips on his beard that had hooks on them and attatched the hooks to the weight and bada-boom, bada-bing, he lifts it! was just painfull to heard...gah....>.<........>.>.....<.<....*attatches clips with hooks onto oly's beard*....I wonder how much you can lift oly? ^_^ :D.....*hooks a bookshelf to the beard* lift!
This post is dedicated to the girl who started this thread without even knowing it. Happy Birthday to the Duffer Queen!
doesn't it though? ancient times had awesome weapons of destruction which could also be somewhat dufferish...>.>.....bc was the queen of the duffers, and the best and most cunning at that...of course she'd be able to go back in time to get the best stuff.