As she passes under the newly installed security system, the alarm goes off...Apple_Of_Life29 said:*secretly replaces cheese whiz with whipped cream and sneaks off*
....i got the cheeeeeeeeeeese whiz....
But then barney comes from nowhere and gives Dernhelm a BIIIIIIGGGG Hug!Dernhelm said:But then she drops it...And Dernhelm gets it.
You're right. You have the CW. Meaning, the Catfood Whiz!Apple_Of_Life29 said:MINE! obviously, IOWW got porccessed cheese instead, and I have the CW.
IOWW has an out of body experience during which she takes back the cheezewhiz.Apple_Of_Life29 said:*flashes her PARALYZING RING OF LIGHT around IOWW and she is paralyzed* ohhh i gots me CHEEESE WHIZ!