Ahem! Order in the court!
This court has convened to try one Dernhelm on the charge of denying her Dufferism. If it is found to be true that she has denied it, the court shall then consider the truth of her claim.
Judge: Witnesses, please.
*all Duffers step forward*
Judge: Give your evidence, please.
Witness: Oh, Dernhelm definitely denied her Dufferism. I mean, all you have to do is look in the Cheese Whiz thread, the World Domination thread, the Eggs thread, the ME, a DUFFER? thread, the Duffer Award thread, the...
Judge: *cuts him off* That will do, thank you. You may now return to your seats, all of you.
The court will hereby consider the truth of Dernhelm's claim. Witnesses, please?
*lieke steps up*
Lieke: Dernhelm MUST be a Duffer! I mean, she has all sorts of Cheese Whiz!
Judge: Thank you. The jury will now consider.
*The jury, composed of Olorin, LoL, HB, and various & sundry other members, files out to consider*
*more silence*
*the people start getting tired of waiting*
*the jury finally comes back*
Jury Spokesman (Olorin): We have decided that, due to the evidence given, Dernhelm is a Duffer.
*burst of wild cheering from the members of TDL*
Judge: Thank you. That will be all.