Christmas '08 release


New member
Hello Everyone,

I know we're all dying to see Prince Caspian next May but a thought occurred to me. Doesn't it seem like Christmas would be a better time for the release of the movie? I mean, I am as excited as anyone to see it, it just seems that Christmas time sets a better mood for the Narnia movies. Plus, summertime is usually when the huge blockbuster movies are released and Narnia might not fair so well as it would with a December release, like LWW did. Any thoughts?
If it were December, 2007, I would go for it! But to have to wait until December 08 would be harsh.

I agree that Christmas is a better time to release it, though. I just wish it were this Christmas.
Well, as for getting the movie to fair much are we all gonna promote it? There's a fairly decent fan base and we can all try to promote the movie. If I remember correctly, there were packets put out to help people promote LWW. I don't know if they'll go that route again. We can check with Walden at some point once the movie posters are made. We can put stuff up at our schools, churches, and work places if they allow stuff like that.

I agree that if they put it back to Dec. 2008, that would be way harsh. It would be cool to see VDT by the following Christmas, but that could take a little longer I think...maybe not, I don't know. The fans are patient, but if it got pushed back another 6 months again, the fans would go nuts.
I know how harsh it would feel to be pushed back and I'm not saying it will not do well with a May release. I just remember when the Lord of the Rings came out every Christmas, how much more special it seemed to be with that season in full swing.

I just want to be sure that all the Narnia books are made into movies and I think the movie would do better in December than May. Just think if it came out this summer what it would be up against, "Spiderman 3," "Pirates of the Caribbean 3," and "Shrek 3" come out, just to name a few. Summer is when all the blockbusters come out. I would love to see Narnia be the number 1 movie in America for like 10 weeks in a row!
We all would love to see it be number 1 for a long time. I think it would be cool to have it come out during a Christmas season...but again we need to find ways of refreshing it in the minds of people around us. Give out sets of the Chronicles to people for birthdays, anniversaries, etc.... Let others fall in love with the story. The blockbusters are good, but I think Narnia will do really well. LWW did well in the DVD sales...better than most movies. So, PC may do that too. A Christmas release would be good, but by the summer release date, VDT should already be in the can and the CG work being done on it. So, hopefully if for some reason PC doesn't do as well as we hope, VDT should help things out least I think it will....provided that they can find a director for it.
Well, I do think Prince Caspian is more of a summer movie then LWW was in a way. But I think VOTD will either have a July 09 realease or December 09.
Hmm..I dont see the deal with movies always being released around Christmas. Frankly, I dont care what month of the year its gonna be released.
But it's different.

See, the LWW takes place mostly in snow and a wintry atmosphere! Due to what's in the movie, the advertizing went well at Christmas because of the snowy, wintry feeling of the movie. But PC is a more spring-like movie. There's always rain, and not much snow in it. Therefore, advertising for a spring movie in winter isn't very logical. Now VotDT I would suppose would be released during the summer, due to its summer atmosphere, as the Last Battle in fall. They advertise due to the climate of the movie, which will make it sell better. (Mom has a degree in telecommunications and advertising, I talk to her waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much)
I would be dissapointed if it were released Christmas '08. Although December has sort of been established as the "special movie month," with LotR and LWW, it would be way too long of a wait if PM were released then. And like Slp said, PC is more of a happy-Springy-Summery movie, anyway. I don't really think it matters which months it comes out in... I just want to see it as soon as possible :) :p
Now if someone had said the release of PC should be Dec 2007 I would have gone along with that, but May 2008 is good in that it comes out just before the other big summer blockbuster hits would in June and July, so PC may get just a bit of a heads up on the other new films coming out then.
With a December release for LWW, it was appropriate because the first half of the film is stuck in winter. But, PC is supposed to be in the spring and summertime; so it'd make more sense to release the film in the spring or summer. winter would not be a good time I think. I don't care when they release it; as long as it's released.
I know I'm anxious to see PC. We all are...and hopefully we'll be inviting and on occasion dragging everyone we know to the I think that an early summer release won't be too bad. I hope. It will be noticed...we'll make it get noticed.