Christmas '08 release

No matter it will release in Christmas or not. Narnia still be a great movie in any time.

Narnia still looks awesome even if it will release in Halloween :rolleyes:

The thing to worried about is the YEAR to release. Why Narnia couldn't be as quick as HP?
I am really anxious to see PC, and I'm truthfully mad they pushed it back...but for those of you who are worried that it won't be as popular because it'll come out when other popular movie's do, look at it this way...that just means there will be more room in the theatres for all of us to see it over...and over...and over again. Besides, I don't know about you guys...but my friends are going to see the movie with me...I'm planning a whole party for it. I don't want the movie being pushed back any more, and it doesn't really matter if the film season matches the season, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion...I just hope they do TLB LAST of all the seven movies. Other than that...the sooner the better.
I agree. If it's late then we all know that it will have to be ah-mazing because they took so long ;)
But no matter the date, they're making another one and it's coming, be patient and thankful guys. I know it's a horrible wait.
if the post-production of the film has finished early.i hope it will be released in december 2007 or in my birthday,January 25 :rolleyes:
I don`t think a Christmas O7 realease would work beccause Water Horse is being released around that time and they`re both by Walden.