Chronicles of Prydain

Lucy_QueenofNarnia said:
That fanfic should be interesting-- I wonder what Eilonwy was doing while Taran wasn't there??

Well, if you're interested, you can read it here.

It's not finished. I add to it when I get the chance.
Sunrise said:
Well, if you're interested, you can read it here.

It's not finished. I add to it when I get the chance.

wow, I've only just read the first chapter/page/whatever you want to call it, but I think its really cool so far-- I like how it is written in Eilonwy's point of view. You are very good at it!
Sunrise, I just finished reading your story about Eilonwy!! It is so great! You are very talented. Are you still writing chapters?

I think its so cute how Eilonwy loves Taran, and her little memories....
and the new characters are very well done!
I think as you were writing it sort of developed a plot on its own-- the whole getting out of the castle, Mae likes Rhun, etc. things make it all tie together and you can have a climax to the story.
It is awesome! *claps for sunrise*
Thanks, Lu. Glad you enjoyed it. :D

I'm still writing chapters now and again, although it's hard to find spare moments to do so! It is sort of developing its own plot, I guess, but I just have no idea where it's going.

Anyway, check in from time to time and hopefully I can keep it up periodically.
About to start reading these again for the first time since I was a kid (I'm 46 now). Thought I'd necrobump this thread in case anybody else is rereading at the moment and wants to discuss.
I've actually heard Disney acquired the rights to the Chronicles of Prydain. It makes me wonder if they're going to do an episodic series or will it be a film franchise?

I've seen the Disney The Black Cauldron, which I'll admit it's not the best Disney movie, especially when compared to The Little Mermaid, Beauty And The Beast, Aladdin, and The Lion King. I think it was a combination of The Book of Three and The Black Cauldron.

Chronicles of Prydain was inspired by Welsh mythology, and it's almost like a light hearted version of Lord of the Rings. I don't know how a franchise would work. I think there's one book that's more like a side story. If I remember correctly, Taran Wanderer is more like a side story, much like The Horse And His Boy is for Narnia. So I don't know what Disney is going to do with Prydain, a film franchise or an episodic series.
I faintly remember the series. One thing I seem to remember, makes it questionable to describe the story as "light-hearted."

Didn't the Cauldron have the power to create an army of INDESTRUCTIBLE undead monsters? Seems less than cheerful there.

As a further complication, I seem to remember an example of inconsistency. ZILLIONS of authors have this problem, losing track of just what abilities they gave to characters and creatures-- as if they allowed Superman to forget that he had X-ray vision. If I'm not mistaken, the Prydain author established the undead beings as TOTALLY IMMUNE to all normal weapons; and yet, when a human army was trying to stop the ghouls, the human soldiers DIDN'T get annihilated to the last man in two minutes or less.
I think the "Caldron born" were more human than in the Disney. I actually remember the skeletons jumping out scaring the heck out of me.

When I've said "light hearted", it's not as intense as Lord of the Rings.