New member
Penny walked out of her room in her satin dressing gown and into the bathroom shooting Ellie a nasty look as she passed her.
She sighed " Oh, Max!," she yelled at him " Step mother Max ate it hold on let me fix it again for you," she told her, then came to her side " here you go," she told her, she liked her step mother she wasn't like what her friends think of her.
She kiss her on her cheek " Yes, step mother I well," she told her, sitting at the table " Oh, tomrrow is the prom oh, step mother my I go?," she asked.
She hugged her " Oh, thank you setp mother," she told her.
Penny flaunced down the stairs and toward her mother, "What?" she asked.
She dropped the Apple and took the granola bar and walked out of the door, "Bye mum."