ic: Mark was still thrashing in unbelievable agony on the hard marble floor and yet no one seemed to care!
"AAAHH!" he screamed in a mixture of pain and irritation. "Someone help me--come on--my leg, my arm--"
Mark attempted to scramble to his feet once again but collapsed on his twisted arm and felt it snap beneath him.
Lily went over to Eden, still holding her wrist in discomfort. "Eden, can't you see he's hurt? I can only use my right hand; here, help me get him up off his arm."
ooc:Poor Brad, only trying to liven up the story a bit...
ic: Once Mark was in a sitting position, Lily stepped back. "I wish there was a way we could get him to a hospital... I don't suppose that's possible now."
Jadie looked around. "Where would we find that?"
ooc - you know... Ashe fainted...and she hasn't woken up yet..and nobody noticed..
Lily walked up to the wall of the hallway and looked up at the small portrait staring back at her. The photo was of an eerie odd-looking old man. "Here," she pulled the wooden frame off the wall and snapped it on her knee. "We can use these, and tie it to his arm with our shoelaces."
Ashe woke up. "Where am I?" she said queitly.
ooc - she fainted....and lost her memory... and nobdoy noticed that she fainted except Jadie...
ic - "Who are you? Why am I here?!" Ashe said getting scared.