Clue rpg

SaffronRose said:
ooc: what's ashe's talent, i've been looking for it and i can't find it!!!
ooc: lemme look up every one's and I'll make a list, kay?

-Narnia_Fan990 ~ unknown talent
-SaffronRose ~super logical girl (lol)
-Lady Larien ~ unknown talent (for a while)
-Lucy the Marshwiggle ~ Mind reader
-Ms.*Forgetmenot* ~ can speak & read languages
-Lucy_QueenofNarnia~ Artistic- painting and sketches
-Hecate~ fighting
-Sir Benjamin the Lion~Political minded (wants to be the victim, haha)
-Princess_Iliana~ Actress
-Pollywannabe~ Shopping
-Lady teyrna~ ~(?)
-~Grateful * Surrender~ ~ (?)
Half these people I dunno where they went, lol.
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i'm working on it... im trying to pair people that barely come on with others that don't that way, everyone that pays attention can have a partner that also does so.
there's gonna be one group of three, unless we want to put brad in. i think we should go with the group of three, personally.
SaffronRose said:
i'm working on it... im trying to pair people that barely come on with others that don't that way, everyone that pays attention can have a partner that also does so.

ooc: what? you mean pairing the people who get on with people who get on and the people who don't with the other people who don't?
ooc: Ami i the best? or am i the best?

ic: Eden watched as the paper slid out, covered in scribbles.
It was on this that the names were finally written.

-Ashe ~ unknown talent (for a while) -Victoria~ Mind reader

-Sir Benjamin the Lion~Political minded -Lucy_QueenofNarnia~ Artistic- painting and sketches

Charlie~ Actress- Jadie ~ can tell when a ghost is near--Eden ~super logical girl

-Tatum~ Shopping- Hecate~ fighting

-Lady teyrna~ ~(?)- ~Grateful * Surrender~ ~ (?)

ooc: i used all the char names i could find. bear with me please.
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These pairs will help you survive and will help you through your life. Keep these friends close to your heart.
"hmm. never thought i'd meet my bridesmaids when i was in a sadistic house that's tried to kill me..." Eden said, trying to inject humor into the situation.
ooc - I'm back! oh and i kinda know what Ashe's talent is now i'm just trying to come up with a way to fit her discovering her talent into the story
ooc: that'd be great, we were trying to figure out what your talent was...
ic: That we don't know. The people that live here have closed all possible exits. You may want to trust the young one, though. He is not like his father.
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SaffronRose said:
ooc: that'd be great, we were trying to figure out what your talent was...
yeah i guess i should go ahead and tell ya'll what it is BUT that doesn't mean i will :D hehe lol add a lil more mystery to this rp lol jk i'll tell ya'll what its called in a minute