Clue rpg

"Come on," Lily said, "Let's go find Ashe, then we'll straighten this thing out."
As they were walking up the stairs, she thought, There's got to be some other way out of here without resorting to that.
Eden stood infront of Charlie.
"I don't want you to. I want you to be my friend forever. I want you to continue making movies and acting. Yeah, i know about that. I knew it when i saw you for the first time. But i live in LA so i figure you get used to it and you stop pointing and asking for autographs. I don't want you to throw your life away. Even if there is no other way."
"Guys.." Lily muttered. She felt an odd sensation, like a coldness dripping over her shoulders and down her back. "I don't think it's safe up here. We need to find Ashe!"

ooc: okay, I'm going to bed :) have fun! Lily will just follow you now
Lucy_QueenofNarnia said:
"Guys.." Lily muttered. She felt an odd sensation, like a coldness dripping over her shoulders and down her back. "I don't think it's safe up here. We need to find Ashe!"

ooc: okay, I'm going to bed :) have fun! Lily will just follow you now
"I've a feeling Ashe is in one of the rooms. But for some reason I can't go towards the door.." *nobody else can go towards the doors* -_- since LL isn't on
Jadie thought of her teleportation powers she told nobody about. She hadn't even thought about it since the last time she used it. Jadie tried to teleport herself to Ashe, but she was stil blocked (cause LL is off)
"why do youthink that? you are just as important as Jadie, as Ashe, as Victoria, as ME!! why would you even think like that when there are still other options? Are you suicidal?"
SaffronRose said:
"why do youthink that? you are just as important as Jadie, as Ashe, as Victoria, as ME!! why would you even think like that when there are still other options? Are you suicidal?"

"No!" Charlie shot back quickly. "Well, I thought maybe it would jsut be a whole lot easier for every one if it was me." she said.
"you want to kill yourself Jadie? Please, if you're going to evesdrop, listen to the whole conversation."

ooc: my mom says that all the time...