Clue rpg

Lily shrugged. "We just found out when we were in the basement that we'd only been here for about 20 hours, so I guess about a day or a little more than that now. I'm surprised he hasn't looked for us.."
Lucy_QueenofNarnia said:
ooc: I know :rolleyes: that's why I'm trying to come up with an explanation for his "disappearance", jeez

ooc: I have an idea... Victoria still has Eden's phone.. and Charlie left hers in her room.. where you all are.. this could give me something to do.. with out messing up the thing we had going.. like I could be in that room still but like communicating with you all while Victoria is talking to the spirits.. I don't know.. jsut gives me something to do.. remember, things happen when I get bored!
ooc: okay...

ic: Lily was beginning to panic, but she didn't want to upset the others, especially Eden. She and Charlie had grown very close and she didn't want her to do anything rash. Where did you go, Charlie? She looked over at the bedside table and saw a flash of silver glinting from the top. "Charlie's phone..." She went to pick it up. But that can't help me, she thought.

ooc: I guess you'll have to be the one to call since technically I'm not supposed to know you're with Victoria, lol
ooc: you make me laugh, haha.

When Charlie entered the room Victoria had handed Eden'd phone to her telling her to give it back later. Now Charlie looked at the phone, remembering she left her phone in her room by the others. She dialed her number.
Lily sighed. "I wish we'd never come here in the first place." She jumped when Charlie's phone suddenly began ringing. Confused, she cautiously opened it. "..who is this?" she asked.