
dang, in one night its already started and gotten really far.. okay well, I'm just going to jump in teehee
btw, I'm pretending I already got the letter and consented to go, so she's just arriving at the mansion, how late is she?
ic: Lily looked up at the huge mansion in silence as the icy wind blew her hair behind her shoulders.
How creepy... she thought. Walking slowly up to the door, she wondered who else would be coming. After opening the large door into the entrance hall she looked around and was amazed how enormous it was.
"Hello?" she asked nervously, hoping there was someone there. She heard a commotion from upstairs and went to see who it was, leaving her bag at the foot of the grand staircase. Following the sound of voices, she found a group of girls crowded in a room, talking. Lily stood in the doorway for a moment, then walked in. "Um, are you here for the mystery thing?" she asked.