Commoners and Peasants( everything from taxes to unwanted marriages)

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Bella turned on her heel, gasping. "Will!" She fell down to his side, shaking him slightly. "Will, wake up!"

ooc: I love doing that randomly in RPGs. XD
DID SOMEONE SAY CARZ???:p Sorry, school started so I won't be on tyerribly much...:p

ic: Brio turned around as Bella rushed to Will, and she dropped to her knees on his other side, grabbing her hand as Derek went to go find the manager of the inn. "What is it? Wh-What's wrong Will??" she asked.
Brio looked up at Bella, struggling through breathes also. It felt like something was over her mouth, and she couldn't get enough air. "He'll be fine. Hehas t obe fine....": hse said. "We need to get him upstairs..."
"Brio, it'll be ok..." Bella smiled sadly, trying to be encouraging. She pulled Will up from under the shoulders so he was half off the ground. "Get his legs."
Bri otried to force a smile at Bella, and looked back down to her feet.

Derek came up behind them, and pointed to the first door on the left. "That's the room..."
Brio put his feet on the bed, looking over to Bella and Derek as he went to get water. She looked over, and found a bowl, and she sniffed to Bella. "I'm going to go get some water to wet a cloth down..."
Brio walked out to the stream, quietly filling the bowl, watchign as her tears rippled the water.

Derek walked into the room, looking at Bella.
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