Commoners and Peasants( everything from taxes to unwanted marriages)

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"Yes, you are!" Kirsti glared at him. Why was he being so difficult?

"You are a cruel king. Horrible. I'm disgusted to have lived in your kingdom." Harry spat at him.
ooc: um.. GTG, did you read my post...? it kind of explains... and he's not all nice and chipper.. he's more like "mwuahaha I'm going to marry Elizabeth, mwuahahaha....."


The King stopped his gaurd. "Horrible?" he glared at Harry. "How?"

"Then I want proof!" Lucas declaired.
Kirsti kissed Lucas passionately. (thats wat i call magic)

Harry coughed from the dust. "You give too high of taxes and you won't let me marry your daughter! You know right when I married her, I'd be royalty. But no..."
ooc: totally magical I tell you!! MAGICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!
uh yeah GTG.. kinda but not like completly... he just likes Elizabeth and won't give yeah...

Elizabeth couldn't take it anymore. She remembed she still had Lucas' sword with her, she stood up and pulled out her sword. The gaurd backed off, knowing she knew exactly what she was doing, and could win against him anyday. "Leave!" she ordered the gaurd and the Duke, only not expecting the Duke to budge.

Lucas kissed her back. "Amazing proof." he laughed.
ooc: um... wow.....

"Excuse me?" Elizabeth said shaking her head. She pointed the tip of the sword at him. "You leave me alone." she said and then darted down to the dungeon. And saw her father yelling and cursing at Harry. She quicky dashed infront of Harry with her sword.
"Let him go." she demanded.

"I'm sorry," he said as he wiped her tears away gently, and then kissed her again.
ooc: haha yes, but it wasn't directed towards your post... (must I be captain obvious?)

Lucas looked into her eyes. "I do," he told her.

"Elizabeth, enough of this nonsense! This boy is history, now go up stairs!" the King ordered her.

"No!" she screamed. Then she quickly cut the chains and Harry was freed from the wall.
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