Commoners and Peasants( everything from taxes to unwanted marriages)

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The messanger gave him the letter, and walked away.
The message read:


I recieved your letter, and happy of it's contents. My brother apologizes, saying he didn't mean anything. We are traveling northward a little ways, seeking rest. it is lovely here. I miss yo uterribly, and hope to see yo usoon.

With love,

on the bottom, derek had scribbled,

sorry, mate. truley.-derek.

William smiled at the letter and read it over and over again. He felt good at first, but then he discarded the letter to steal as much as possible from his room. After that, he didn't even feel guilty. Instead, he sat down and wrote to Brio.


Thank you for your support, and Derek's. I will recieve money in a few days. I still can't tell you what I do, but I'll say it's easy and pays well. The village is a good place, but not as good without you. I miss you both. There's no way for me to find you now, so I can't visit. I wish I could.


Will spend the rest of the night covering his tracks, making it look like he took nothing. He hoped and prayed they didn't notice. Finally, after being paranoid for too long, he went to sleep, with a gold music box, candle holders, silver comb, and glass bell, in his bag.
Brio wondered if he had gotten her letter. He occupied a good portion of her thoughts, an she soon just, fell asleep...
ooc: Do you want me to be a maid or something???
ooc. Will will come find you soon.

ic. " Because, we have to get there before noon." He threw their bags at them. " We have to go now."

Back in Risire, Will had no letters to write, so he reread the letter he sent to Brio.

Thank you for your support, and Derek's. I will recieve money in a few days. I still can't tell you what I do, but I'll say it's easy and pays well. The village is a good place, but not as good without you. I miss you both. There's no way for me to find you now, so I can't visit. I wish I could.



He couldn't stand it. He had to find them.
Brio caught the bags, throwing one on Derek, who woke up immediatley. "We're leaving already?" he asked, getting his boots on, and heloping. "We need to get there before noon, I guess...." she said, shrugging. "why do we need to get there before noon?" she asked, wondering why he sounded angry.
They moved through the forest at a quick pace and stopped by a river for breakfast. " Where is it this way that you are planning on going?" Asked Savian.
They moved through the forest at a quick pace and stopped by a river for breakfast. " Where is it this way that you are planning on going?" Asked Savian.

"A small cottage. To escape city life..." she said simply, biting into an apple she had gotten off of a tree nearby.
Derek nodded in agreement with his sister.
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