Contest 23: Riddles!!

What is your favorite Riddle? (Poll option limit = 10, so riddles are grouped)

  • by Peepiceek: #4 Stranger,#5 Late Convert, #6 Exile

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • by Peepiceek: #7 Nose, #9 Mystery #20 Saviour, #39 Wordplay

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • by Peepiceek: #44 Dance, #46 Who Said to Whom?, #51 Sleeper

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • by Bénisse:#2 Polarity, #54 Beware, #67 Found, #77 Promise

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • by Glenburne: #10 The Traveler, #36 Cook's Nightmare

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • by Copperfox: #46 Deep Question, #60 Wrong Approach

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Now that one must be the head teacher at Experiment House, I would think.

By the way, CF - please could you give your poems some titles? I think it will make it easier for Benisse when it comes to polling time.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait....

Could it be the SOUND waves emanating from the bell in TMN ch 4? Those waves broke the ceiling of the palace, and woke Jadis, and striking the bell was warned of as dangerous in the poem.

I'm getting onto Benisse's wavelength now. I shall be looking in TMN ch 6 for the answer to your third entry ;)


Bravo! A Resounding Yes! to Peeps...
And as for a bias for The Magician's Nephew, you are correct in surmising it is one of my favorite chronicles! But I guess I will need to branch out for my next riddle...

Two limericks. I posted both 'Nose' and 'Who Said to Whom?'

Technically my solution to Cook's Nightmare remains a guess, since GB hasn't been back to confirm it yet.

Will keep thinking on Beware.


True. That is why I annotated your guess as a solution on Glenburne's Cook's Nightmare, but now that she has validated your guess, you are credited with the answer.
Peepiceek, you're right, except that I had in mind the _entire_ worthless faculty at Experiment House.

And I'll edit titles into my riddles.
on Dance

Partnered with Vict’ry in my dance this night,
Wise watchers will know what my steps portend:
Though troubled disorder looms into sight,
Peace shall I bring, so all’s well in the end.

This portent sounds like one of the two stars dancing in Prince Caspian. What were their names? Tarvis and Alambil?
on Dance; Found!

Okay, I guess the Lady Alambil... Ladies usually bring peace, right?


1 is one stolen who saved the rest,
2 (when you’re stuck) is a hesitant sound,
3 (from a group) means selecting the best;
Together the clues form a craft that was found.

answer by Peepiceek
Coracle is correct (alternative: Cor - uh [*or ah] - cull)!

This means that Peepiceek's Saviour and Stranger the only unsolved riddles so far...
No Narnian can fail to associate the word "savior" with Aslan -- Who especially fits the phrase "dying savior." The "guiding savior" might be the albatross in "Dawn Treader," and "saviors four" might mean Caspian, Lucy, Edmund and Eustace.
Of the 'saviours four', only one of them is Aslan, and it isn't the dying saviour. I tried hard with the wording of the poem to avoid the answer to the riddle being Aslan (though of course, in a sense, all work, saving or otherwise, depends on Aslan!)

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on Savior

How about this riddle relating to Horse and His Boy? Whew this was a fun one to untangle!

• Guiding savior = Aslan, who pushed the boat with the infant Shasta to the fisherman Arsheesh
• Dying savior =The nobleman in the boat with the infant Shasta starved himself so the baby would live
• Finding savior = Arsheesh the fisherman finding Shasta in the boat
• Crying savior = Shasta who burst into tears just as Arsheesh found him
• Saviors four upon the sea = Aslan, the dead conspirator, Shasta and Arsheesh on the edge of the sea when Shasta first arrived as a baby in Calormen
• Saving's work depends on Shasta/Cor; he was destined to save his native Archenland from the gravest danger in which it ever lay
Good work, all correct except the very last point. In fact, the subject of the poem is not any of the 'saviours four' - that was the meaning I was trying to go for... all the others might be thought of as a saviour in one way or another, but the saving could not have been done without 'me', whom you wouldn't have thought of as a 'saviour'.

on Savior

How about this riddle relating to Horse and His Boy? Whew this was a fun one to untangle!

• Guiding savior = Aslan, who pushed the boat with the infant Shasta to the fisherman Arsheesh
• Dying savior =The nobleman in the boat with the infant Shasta starved himself so the baby would live
• Finding savior = Arsheesh the fisherman finding Shasta in the boat
• Crying savior = Shasta who burst into tears just as Arsheesh found him
• Saviors four upon the sea = Aslan, the dead conspirator, Shasta and Arsheesh on the edge of the sea when Shasta first arrived as a baby in Calormen
• Saving's work depends on Shasta/Cor; he was destined to save his native Archenland from the gravest danger in which it ever lay

So in the last line, "Saving's work depends on me," are you talking about the boat itself that Aslan pushed to shore?
Correct, well done :) (I thought, if you can write a poem that personifies dust, then I can write one that personifies a boat ;))

I think that means all the current riddles have been solved.

@Peeps, Well yes, if you put it that way! Anything within the Chronicles can be a riddle...

Now there is one more left unsolved riddle: Stranger

Time for creating more riddles, anyone before the voting starting May 12?

Here are the riddles in this contest so far plus their post count so you can find them in this thread:

Polarity #2
Stranger #4
Late Convert #5
Exile #6
Nose #7
Mystery #9
Traveler #10
Saviour #20
Cook's Nightmare #36
Wordplay #39
Dance #44
Who Said to Whom? #46
Deep question #47
Sleeper #51
Beware #54
Wrong Approach #60
Found! #67
Promise #77

If I left out a poem by mistake, please correct me.

Others may be
but not me!

I may not be
but, you'll see:

your words I'll carry
out of sight-ly
through the trees.

Answer by Peepiceek
I think this is either Pattertwig or Trumpkin. At first I thought it must be Trumpkin because all squirrels are flighty, but then I think I remember a line about all the squirrels being too flighty except for Pattertwig, in which case the poem probably fits Pattertwig better. So that's my guess.

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