Corrupt a Wish Game (Please Do Not Delete)

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granted. but the whoever grades them messes up so now you have to take them all over again!

I wish I lived in the Biltmore House. It's so pretty and BIG! It has 43 bathrooms!
Granted, but it's so big you get lost and eventually die because you had to eat curtains and pilows and no one ever finds you.
I wish I had three months of vacation...
Granted but they fire you because you're poor, and you poop chocolate squares

I wish my annoying bro conor would jump off a cliff
Granted but once he jumps of the cliff he gains wings and flys over your head pooping on you then throws you off said cliff.

I wish it was still day time....

Granted, (Do you live in the south?) but mutated rabbits come and eat your head.

I wish I was in a virtual reality game
I live in England. Its 12:30 here.

Granted but everyone keeps on shooting you because you are the enemy.

I wish they would play good music on the music channels for once...
Granted but then it falls over onto your foot and gives you an electric shock so you die...

I wish fir a fish... On a dish... *Shrug*

That I do... And its not really... Its been raining almost non stop for the last 2 weeks....
I don't understand that wish... Sorry

I wish I could kill an alien and a predator

Really? Well... I need rain bad!Cuz I live in US and in the place I live, it's effected by drought...Too dry, So dry I can only water plants on certain days...That's why my back and front lawns look terrible!
Don't worry lol..

Granted... But then there would be no movie of the fight between them. Then the loyal fans would hunt you down and kill you....

I wish I could find some more Diet Caffine free coke.

Last summer we had a drought.And no one was aloud to use hoses and water plants. But now it seems we keep on haveing floods. Really bad floods in some places. Poor peopul. My front and back lawn look terrible becuse it is always 2 foot tall grass. And we dont really look after it so i is over grown.
Granted but ur body cells drown

Really? I've always wanted tall grass because my grass is short, dead boring, and if we don't mow the lawn we'll get a ticket.
Really? That happens? Wow I have never heard of that... Our grass is always stupidly long. Its like a jungle in our garden :p.

I wish i wasent so cold.
Granted but the vampire takes one look at you thinks yummy and then sucks you dry.

I wish I could win a compotsion for once.
Granted but it brakes right away.

I wish I`l stop having dreams of Voldemort trying to kill me. (I`ve had two of them. Then I had another one where I was teaching the DA to my friends.)
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