Yes. I think the Chronicles of Narnia can and, at some point, probably will be banned.
The Bible is clear, persecution of Christians will come. It's already here in many places in the world and has been since Jesus ascended.
It began in the western world many years ago, but like a battery on a trickle charge. Eventually it'll be ready to go and any material advocating the concept of unmerrited salvation from a single Savior sent from God, i.e. Aslan and his father the great Emperor over the Sea, and any subsequent moral law arising from said God, will be considered defamatory hate speech.
Any literature with a Christian bent or with known Christian authors will be banned for infringing on the "rights " of the people to be as base and debauched as they see fit. And the authors themselves will most likely be dragged through the mud for any libelous reason anyone can dream up.
In the words of Augray, the Sorn, in Lewis's Perelandra:
" It is because everyone of them wants to be a little Oyarsa himself."
That's one of the reasons I'm glad I own this series in hard copy, not just digital.

When they get to burnin' books, I'll have a secret stash!