Dancing Lawn Prom 2007

*hugs back* lol I'm glad I'm back too! I don't even remember why I left. Oh yeah! Drama with the Skandarnites PLUS drama with a friend. Double drama. I'm not good with drama. But I deal with it cuz I have to. But I do sometimes cause drama. I'm a dramatic person. I guess maybe a drama queen but not like a bad drama queen. I'm like my friend's friend. :p She's a drama queen but not in a bad way...not in a good way either. Gah, I dunno how to explain.

Hehe :p There's always drama with Skandarnites.
I'm going to be... Joseph The Jolly Jubilant Jester!!!


Haha, that's Ben and I posing for a picture... :p
^ I actually wore a dress like that once for a play. That was fun... it was navy blue underneath and brown over and the sleeves had a cool cuff thing in the middle of the upper arm. That was in The Canterbury Tales... In which RF killed me... and I got to kill people *cough* good times... *sigh*