Dancing Lawn Prom 2007

Haha, a very interesting monster, if I do say. Infact, I've got pics of several different monsters that Cheety has conjured up. I'm on to ya man. :p

Flying Sea Monster Unveiled!
Aww, he's smiling! :p
Haha, I'll uncover your worst creation yet! *drum roll* This is the worst possible monster alive, it can goble up whole towns, cities, nations, countries, and worlds! It steals, kills, lies, and can even manipulate the mind of weak-willed moms. It is a terrible creature to behold.



Haha, who else would I refer it to? :p

That little dude is like...raaawwwwrrr, and he's scary! *runs away*

Should I bring dumdrops to the partay?? I have some right in front of me, woot...but I really should stop eating them.. :p

EDIT: He did NOT just say that!! Levi, SAY SORRY RIGHT NOW!!!!!

*hugs Sarah* Don't mind him...he's a rude little boy!
*Gasp*Why you nasty fat, too big to move, roman guard!!!:eek: Im going to kill you!

Lol, well, I guess I'll take it back. But I'd like to know who you are, at least. :p

Haha, actually, I think I was referring to Pink-Cheetah... Mmm, I just saw a couple people say the word "monster" and my imagination went wild. XD

That little dude is like...raaawwwwrrr, and he's scary! *runs away*

Should I bring dumdrops to the partay?? I have some right in front of me, woot...but I really should stop eating them.. :p

EDIT: He did NOT just say that!! Levi, SAY SORRY RIGHT NOW!!!!!

*hugs Sarah* Don't mind him...he's a rude little boy!

*Smiles* *Secretly sticks out tounge* *Waits for apology*
Saralina said:
^ I actually wore a dress like that once for a play. That was fun... it was navy blue underneath and brown over and the sleeves had a cool cuff thing in the middle of the upper arm. That was in The Canterbury Tales... In which RF killed me... and I got to kill people *cough* good times... *sigh*
The best part of that play was the end. I called it "The 3CT" (meaning: Chaucer's Cheesy Canterbury Tales)

Anyway, now children lets not fight (thats my job). Be nice to one another. Because IF YOU DON'T I'LL CRASH ALL YOUR COMPUTERS!:D