Dancing Lawn Prom 2007

But I don't wanna leave you guys! LOL... *cries*

:p P-C I can't believe you just said "for Pete's Sake". That's such an old people phrase.

Plus today I was having a "slap fight" with my friend Shawna. And I didn't give up and I think a couple of the blood vessels in my left hand so it there's like a bunch of little bruises all over it. I'm so smart... I had fun, though. My mum doesn't know though...
Yeah... it's like spotted. I'm so smart... I think within two days it should be gone, though. As long as I wear long sleeved sweeters that come over my hands I should be fine... But yeah.
Wot's so cool about being scared??

Anyway, I have some pictures that some of you girls would probably like for your prom outfit.




There you go. That's most of what I thought of.