Dancing Lawn Prom 2007

Oh, alrighty! I thought she was a member here. She has a unique name though. ;)

Hey, Ben, thanks for the idea!...The one about me and Harlequin being sisters. :D I like that idea!
Someone needs to re-stock the finger sandwiches :p

And still my half-sister is dancing with no music...... I'm so proud.... *wipes tear off of eye*
*pokes william* You'd better take care of my sister, or else, You're answering to Me! *shifting eyes*

Hey, Danny! Let's go near the buffet and I'll tell you how wonderful you are!
Dan: *Is scared*
Me: :D
ME: ...So I was thinking...Daniel and Hannah Radcliffe--Whatcha think?

So, Anna, what's up? There's barely anyone here!
And yeah, Orolin, it's probably prom day :p
**chats with Will** (Yeah, we're close.)
**Hannah and Dan comes over**

Will: Hey, Dan!
Dan: Hey, Will!
Hannah and Me: You know each other??! :eek:
Will & Dan: :cool:
Anna: And, I was thinking of a tatoo with your face on it during christmas, How about it?
Will: ............*twitch*
Dan: ...........*giggles*
Me: *giggles along with dan*