Dancing Lawn Prom 2007

I shall never go to a real prom...which is quite sad because I have this lil fantasy like all girls of prom...but I'm homeschooled so no prom for me T_T unless I go back to my ex-school...then I kinda get something like a prom...
woooooo! heh heh i'm on my moms laptop *ninja* lol jk she said i could borrow it...to look for something...and my compy is off and i didn't want to turn it on :p it needs rest :D anyways *dances to no music except the music in my head*
My date, Olorin, isn't here either... I KNOW! We can do a line dance! *does the macarina* Scratch that! Love Addict just came on! *dances* "Hold up wait a minute put a little love it. Hey, can't kick the habit. Yeah, I've got to have it. I'm what they call a LOVE addict LOVE addict. Hey, can't live without it. Yeah, gonna shout about it. HEY, I'm a septomatic. LOVE addict LOVE addict.
My date, Olorin, isn't here either... I KNOW! We can do a line dance! *does the macarina* Scratch that! Love Addict just came on! *dances* "Hold up wait a minute put a little love it. Hey, can't kick the habit. Yeah, I've got to have it. I'm what they call a LOVE addict LOVE addict. Hey, can't live without it. Yeah, gonna shout about it. HEY, I'm a septomatic. LOVE addict LOVE addict.

Or we could call the Night guard from Night at the Muesum.:p

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