Dead Poet's Society

Thedryadhobbit said:
Maybe I just feel like going and witnessing to them.

Yes, I agree with you there and I would be right by your side!!!

We just finished watching it in English because we were studying Transcendentalism (sp?). The first 3/4 of went well, I thought, and I loved it up until the point where Neil committed Suicide. Up until that point, the non-conformist attitude was very present, but Niel accomplished nothing by killing himself. And even if his death was to make a point (I don't think it was, I am just throwing this idea out there), it was all in vain because his friends ended up telling the principle anyway, and Mr. Keating was fired because of it. I sort of liked the ending. It was really awesome that all the boys took a stand, but with Mr. Keating getting fired, how many of those boys will actually retain that, with the only one who taught them to think that way gone?