Destiny's Poems


Active member
Since I had a "writing" thread, a lot of people don't know that I write poems as well, I have posted them in my "JW" thread though. So I thought I would make a seperate thread to post my many poems! Of course I will start with my most recent favorite....

The up and down of the monitor,

Measures your heartbeat,

The heartbeat I grew to love,

Even though I never heard it,

Never got to press my hand

Against your chest

And feel the beating beneath the scar.

The many times that monitor went flat then returned

Brings tears to my eyes,

And reminds of the many times,

I almost lost you,

And the time that it stayed flat

Never to return

Almost brings me to my knees.

I try to keep the tears inside,

And a smile on the surface

Because I know that’s what you want,

But sometimes it’s too hard

And I fail.

The Skeleton..and others

Another one of my favorite poems...written my Junior year of highschool.

The Skeleton
The skeleton in side my heart,
Lays just inside the door.
For all who come in to see,
That one who hurt me.
That one left the bones,
Left me all alone,
The bones are dusty and in a heap,
The pain from them is deep,
So deep I don't know if I can stand it.
My heart you tore and lit
Left for THE SKELETON to destroy the rest.​


The pain is stinging my heart.
I don't understand the feelings,
Deep down inside of me.
I tried to forget you,
To let you go.
For 6 long months I tried,
Then when I talked to you again
After thinking it was gone,
I wasn't.
My feelings were still there,
Just as fresh and true now,
As they were one year ago.

I loved you then,
I love you now.
And as I sit here,
With tears in my eyes,
I try to let the feelings go.
But I can't,
I can't give up something
That I risked so much for.
Something I love too much.
Please remember...

No matter where you go,
Or who you date,
I will ALWAYS love you.​

Hurt Heart Broken Soul

Look into my dark eyes
Can you see
My hurt heart?

Wrap your arms around me
Can you feel
My cold, broken soul?

I gave my heart away
Only to get it back.
Cut and bruised.

I have tried so hard
To heal the sould
That is now broken.

Boy, please don't leave
Take my heart
And bandage it up.

Hold me close
Don't let go
And warm my freezing soul.
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A poem

A Poem I just wrote...also posted it in my writings thread:

It is Untitled (any suggestions?)

I stand here and wonder
Why I can not speak,
I don't like that I won't
Yet I seem to can't.
The stutter of my heart,
The shortness of breath;
I can't understand
(Why) I am so impacted
By some one I am
Afraid to talk to.
How can some one,
Who doesn't know me,
Make me smile so much?
Why, whenever I see him,
Do I turn so red,
And seem to lose focus
Of what I am doing??
It is rather pathetic,
In my opinion that is,
Especially since
I can't seem to
Over come my fear!​

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Is the person making the speaker nervous someone the speaker has a crush on? If so, you could call it "First Crush" or something similar.
Yes, it does sound like a crush. Persons who charm us, also intimidate us, because even if we have no romantic hopes with them, we still want them to think well of us and would hate it for them to dislike us.
Yes it is...but if it was called "First Crush" then it would be saying that the speaker has never had a crush before...which she has.

Thank you Grandpa is a crush...and I am not sure what intimidates me...besides the fact that the guy is like a foot or more taller than me, and is about three times as thick...muscle wise.
Yes he does. He goes to my Bible college (which I know doesn't mean he's a Christian), but from what I hear he's a really awesome guy and a great Christian.
Well, you could title it "One hundred Thirty-Third Crush." ;) Just kidding. I wasn't sure whether the speaker in the poem was you, or whether you were writing from the perspective of another person. Since it's not your first could, of course, turn some part of the poem into the title...."I Stand Here and Wonder," "Heart-Stutter," or something else you come up with.

Another suggestion--sometimes if I can't think of the correct name for a poem, I'll look up a word of phrase in another language to name the poem with. For example, I've written a poem that I titled "Todo Se Muere" because the full meaning that I wanted to express in the title would be awkward (for various reasons) in English. I've used Latin titles as well as Spanish, along with one Greek title; and I'll probably use a Gaelic one eventually. Just an idea you may want to play around with.
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Before you seek to make a friendship more than merely friendly,
Remember for your own sake that untruthful men are many.
It's easy for a man to say just what he thinks will please you;
Check fruit before you let the guy emotionally seize you.
Well...I haven't talked to him...much. And sadly (Somewhat) he's already seized me (accidentally) emotionally. Thanks for the advice though Grandpa Joe! :) I will try to remember it!