Destiny's Poems

A girl who has a crush can easily become too lenient,
So try to learn if he will do something that's inconvenient
Entirely for another person's sake; if he will do so,
I'll be more optimistic that he'll prove to be a true beau.
A Poem I just wrote...also posted it in my writings thread:

It is Untitled (any suggestions?)

I stand here and wonder
Why I can not speak,
I don't like that I won't
Yet I seem to can't.
The stutter of my heart,
The shortness of breath;
I can't understand
(Why) I am so impacted
By some one I am
Afraid to talk to.
How can some one,
Who doesn't know me,
Make me smile so much?
Why, whenever I see him,
Do I turn so red,
And seem to lose focus
Of what I am doing??
It is rather pathetic,
In my opinion that is,
Especially since
I can't seem to
Over come my fear!​


Love it Des. If I were you I'd keep the title simple. Like maybe "Him" or "Fear". Something simple but that gets your point across.
"I can't wait"

I can't wait
Until the day
That I can see
Him standing there
And my heart
Not go wild.
I can't wait
Until the moment
That I can
Look into those
Electric blue eyes
And can continue breathing.
I doubt that
Day will be
Anytime soon.
Because I freeze
Every time I try
To open my mouth.​
