Do you have a question?

Please help me! I tryed to update the show but it always went back to the last episode I listened to.

Unfortunatly, our feed has not updated the show yet. Try downloading it from our libsyn page

Which characters do you think are the cornerstones of the entire story??

I believe that is an excellent question! I will add it to my list :)

Are there any jobs open for NFC?

Yes there are. There are two open:

~We are looking for an audio editor to help with putting together the show. If interested, please send an email to NFC at narniafans dot com with your name, age, why you would like to work on the show and a sample of previous work.

~Also, we are looking for people who wish to help NarniaFansCast Transcribe the show. If you are interested, please send an email to NFC at narniafans dot com with your name, age, and why you wish to help the show.
i was listening to the latest NFC last night, and you guys said my username on the show... i flipped out. quite exciting for me.

I have another question- The Chronicles of Narnia have many Christian themes that are presented in the incidents that occur during the stories. Temptation, Redemption, Love, Faith, Hope to name a few. A lot of these themes are virtues. Maybe it's just my being Catholic, but do you find that the four Pevensies represent virtues, too? For example, Edmund represents justice (not just in The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe, but throughout the series) and Susan would be prudence (well... at the beginning of the stories, of course!). How about Eustace and Jill and Polly? I just thought this was a good question to discuss.
I have a question for the cast of NFC-
If you could play any part in the making of the remaining Narnia movies, what role would you pick? (ex-director, actor, screenwriter, costume desgin, etc.)
ignore me unless you dont mind i just saw the word question and posted immediately:o

The question and suggestion thread for any random questions is in the Tea With Tumnus area, and if you have a mod question go to the Duffer area and see the sticky thread there. For pics on here go to the Brush of Unicorn Hide of Bull area and ask questions there. People can help you in that area with pics.

ummm...Why are people so mean? Why does the devil hate God so much?

This question belongs in the Christianity area in the Stone Table section.

Ahem....this is for the podcast not forum questions or anyother questions.

Well stated GG. Here's the place to ask about podcasts. I finally heard one. They're pretty cool! I can only hear them on my home computer since the work one doesn't have speakers and I'm not allowed to download them on it. Great job yall!
I have question about the Deep Magic. I know that Aslan is suppose to be Christ, and the Emperor-Beyond-the-Sea is like Jehovah. But I ws wondering is the Deep Magic suppose to symbolize the Holy Spirit?