I like him. He's a cool doll. Don't break his leg!!
I like him. He's a cool doll. Don't break his leg!!
Jill Pole said that in The Last Battle
Nah, haven't see that. Where you get it from? it's funny.
So my family and I rented an episode of Doctor Who off of our AppleTV tonight and watched it, and I have to say that it is my new favorite show!! We watched the episode where aliens are coming to the earth to search for Suspect 0?(I think that's the name, I know it involves the number 0 ). I It was a little hard to understand at parts, and I thought that the special effects were a little cheesy. But I liked that there were funny parts throughout the show.
Okay thanks, that really helped!You watched the first episode of the new series 5. The episode is called The Eleventh Hour, and it was Prisoner Zero the character that was loose on Earth. This episode was the introduction of Matt Smith, the new (11th and current) Doctor. Amelia Pond (as a little girl) will be on again in later episodes but grown up (as Amy) is in all of them. The next episode after the one you watched is called The Beast Below and then Victory of the Daleks. Be sure to watch them in order.
Umm how did you know my first name?
And I would have to give credit to my family, who just recently started watching British television.
You told me remember?
Yes british tv is amazing!....sometimes...other times its pretty droll.
Go back and watch all the seasons though. I wouldn't bother with the classics...they're a BIT slow...and boring.