Does anyone get nostalgic about the animated version?

The animated version of LWW was my first introduction to Narnia. Now, all these years later, even though I haven't seen it in years and have probably read all 7 books and seen the BBC series more times each than I ever watched that cartoon, I get excited just seeing the images from the cartoon that are at the top of this webpage!

Did anyone think that Edmund looked like Arnold from The Magic School Bus?
i love the animated. That was my first narnia movie ever. I havent seen the bbc ones, accpept the voyage of the dawn treader,(which i thought was a horrible movie, about the book). Well i suppose Edmund looked like that guy from magic skewl bus, but not to much though lol. And welcome Meatballs
Yes. I was a graduate student doing research in environmental microbiology on a barrier island off the Georgia coast when it was originally broadcast on TV under the auspices of the Kraft products line and the Episcopal Radio&Television Foundation. I distinctly remember being in the common room area of the research facility for the broadcast and the entirety of those present being riveted to the scenes at the Stone Table and the battle. So that brings back all sorts of nostalgic memories related to the film.

When my children were old enough to watch it, I purchased it on video. So there are another set of nostalgic memories.

There, that enough? :D
Me too, I had been nearly seven years old when I saw the animated version for the first time on TV with my parents and my sister.

I remeber that i was so scared the first time i saw it, i was crying. I become awfully embarrased about that when i see it now.
i agree, i love the animated version it was the first one id seen and i loved it. i bought it on dvd a year ago and i watched it on the weekend, its just a really good story. i dont like the bbc one that much, but i still watch it, kinda like harry potter and the philosophers stone, i hate the movie yet somehow i am always watchin it :)
I liked it and I think we have a copy and I just realized that there are people here my age, older than me, younger than me. THIS IS CRAZY/AWESOME!
MeatballsMarlowe said:
The animated version of LWW was my first introduction to Narnia. Now, all these years later, even though I haven't seen it in years and have probably read all 7 books and seen the BBC series more times each than I ever watched that cartoon, I get excited just seeing the images from the cartoon that are at the top of this webpage!

Did anyone think that Edmund looked like Arnold from The Magic School Bus?

I totally loved the animated version. You're so right about the Arnold Edmund connection. LOL :D
Welcome, Edmund! I didn't see you post before. I hope you will go to the Introduction Thread and tell us a little about yourself, and visit all the other threads and give us your insight into Narnia.

A couple of us started a reading group/discussion thread over in the "Christianity and Narnia" thread, we are reading through the book "Finding God in the Land of Narnia" if that interests you at all, and posting our comments. At least, we just started chapter one this week. You are welcome to join us.

Oh, I should have said all this in a PM, but anyway, anyone who is reading this is welcome to join us.

Anyway, Edmund, welcome!
I love the animated version! I can't believe all you guys have seen it. I still have it on video and watch it whenever I'm feeling down, or sick. Does anyone else really love the music? I think it's amazing- really spooky and magical.
childhood memories

i live in mexico and when i was a child i loved this movie.. and ever since then the only thing i could remember was.. "THERE WAS A MOVIE THAT I LOVED WITH SOME KIDS GOING THROUGH THIS SECRET DOOR IN A WORDROVE LEADING TO A PLACE THAT WAS SNOWING" but i didnt know the name or anything.. and suddenly i see this previews of narnia and my heart couldnt believe it.. it reminded me sooo much of my childhood.. and then i realized.. that was the movie a use to love..
many times i thought of it and wanted to see it but thought that it was impossible because i didnt remember much of it now.. but thanks to this new version i suddenly remember everything.. the lion, the witch.. and yeah it makes me nostalgic.. and i´m so dying to see the animated version.. it represents the magic of my childhood..
anyway.. just wanted to share the experience..
mostrillo said:
i live in mexico and when i was a child i loved this movie.. and ever since then the only thing i could remember was.. "THERE WAS A MOVIE THAT I LOVED WITH SOME KIDS GOING THROUGH THIS SECRET DOOR IN A WORDROVE LEADING TO A PLACE THAT WAS SNOWING" but i didnt know the name or anything.. and suddenly i see this previews of narnia and my heart couldnt believe it.. it reminded me sooo much of my childhood.. and then i realized.. that was the movie a use to love..
many times i thought of it and wanted to see it but thought that it was impossible because i didnt remember much of it now.. but thanks to this new version i suddenly remember everything.. the lion, the witch.. and yeah it makes me nostalgic.. and i´m so dying to see the animated version.. it represents the magic of my childhood..
anyway.. just wanted to share the experience..

These were my same exact thoughts.

I went to Ebay and bought it off there and was delighted to watch it again.

Oh the music alone is so beautiful and sad it reminds me so much of my childhood. The two saddest parts were what happened with Aslan, and the ending when they went back to their own world. For YEARS I never knew if the characters ever got to go back to Narnia, and crazy as it seems 20 years later I finally know the answer and am gonna read their further adventures.
