Does anyone want to teach languages?

lions mane said:
i don't think soo, is their another to say them? :confused:
Uh, well, I don't know how to pronounce Spanish, so I would be saying them wrong without being told how to say the stuff. Like, if I told you that oyasuminasai was Japanese for good night, how might you say that without me telling you how to? It's said oi-yah-sue-me nah-sai by the way...
I think the word you are searching for is 'phonetics'. That is, essentially, the pronunciation of the word, or how one hears it. If you want the phonetical aspects of the language, my suggestion would be to get a Language CD. No one can really learn how a language is pronounced through a message board, sometimes you have to hear it being spoken.

Langenscheidts puts out a great deal of language help courses in many different languages, which are available (if memory serves) in the US as well as all around Europe. They are more expensive, but I'm sure there are cheaper books and CD lessons put out by lesser known publishers for less money.

Good luck with learning.
Namaste said:
I think the word you are searching for is 'phonetics'. That is, essentially, the pronunciation of the word, or how one hears it. If you want the phonetical aspects of the language, my suggestion would be to get a Language CD. No one can really learn how a language is pronounced through a message board, sometimes you have to hear it being spoken.

Langenscheidts puts out a great deal of language help courses in many different languages, which are available (if memory serves) in the US as well as all around Europe. They are more expensive, but I'm sure there are cheaper books and CD lessons put out by lesser known publishers for less money.

Good luck with learning.

Oh, I love your bottom banner!:)
Skandar_pwns_you said:
Looking to learn more languages! PLEASE?:D I know a little Japanese and a few words of Spanish, anyone willing to teach what they know of other languages? :)

just ask a word in english and ill translate it into danish :D
Hi people!!!

I'm from Mexico. For those who don't know me, my real name is Monica, but everyone here knows me as Giselle.

I speak Spanish, English and I'm learning French; so if you are interested in learning Spanish or French, I'll do my best to help you. :D

I have some problems to access this forum, I don't know why, but I'll try to check this thread as much as I can.

BTW I want to learn too! I read some of the messages, I'm interested in Denmark too!

Take care!!!

giselle said:
Hi people!!!

I'm from Mexico. For those who don't know me, my real name is Monica, but everyone here knows me as Giselle.

I speak Spanish, English and I'm learning French; so if you are interested in learning Spanish or French, I'll do my best to help you. :D

I have some problems to access this forum, I don't know why, but I'll try to check this thread as much as I can.

BTW I want to learn too! I read some of the messages, I'm interested in Denmark too!

Take care!!!


hello Giselle, I have friends from Mexico!
They said that they take classes half English and half Spanish.
It sounds quite fun.
I wonder if you get confused ?

moreover, I can speak English, Chinese very well. And I'm learning French and I know a little bit Japanese. Anyone who interested in those languages maybe I can help you :)
Skandar_pwns_you said:
Looking to learn more languages! PLEASE?:D I know a little Japanese and a few words of Spanish, anyone willing to teach what they know of other languages? :)

if u want to i could teach u some danish;)
I can help, or at least give some advices, for those who want to learn french.

Ne soyez pas timide et n'hesitez surtout pas à me demander si vous avez la moindre question. ;)
well, i have said it but now im saying it again: i want to teach danish

this is a start:

yes- ja
no- nej

I- jeg
You- du
He- han
she- hun
it- det
we- vi
You- i
they- de

just ask if u want to learn more:D
The ja and nej is similar as in dutch. Ja and nee.
Dit is cool : This is cool
Dit is leuk : This is fun
Gave plaatjes : great pics
Oh nee, niet naar de tandarts : Oh no, not to the dentist
Peter lover said:
The ja and nej is similar as in dutch. Ja and nee.
Dit is cool : This is cool
Dit is leuk : This is fun
Gave plaatjes : great pics
Oh nee, niet naar de tandarts : Oh no, not to the dentist

yeah, actually thats right.. but i think dutch is complicated when u speak dutch, but not if u write dutch... then its almost like dansih and german also!!! lol:D
Peter lover said:
The ja and nej is similar as in dutch. Ja and nee.
Dit is cool : This is cool
Dit is leuk : This is fun
Gave plaatjes : great pics
Oh nee, niet naar de tandarts : Oh no, not to the dentist

here is a bit danish:

this is cool: det her er fedt
this is fun: det her er sjovt
great pics: gode billeder
oh no, not to the dentist: åh nej, ikke til tandlægen...

i hate hitler: jeg hader hitler
i love william: jeg elsker william<3

Hahahaha! You crack me up :D
I hate Hitler : ik haat Hitler
I love William : Ik hou van William
The wheater is weird the last couple of days : Het weer is vreemd de laatste paar dagen
No Lucy, don't go into the Wardrobe again : Nee Lucy, ga niet weer de Klerenkast in
I have cold feet : ik heb koude voeten
Dwarves are small : Dwergen zijn klein
Stop this nonsense please : Stop met deze onzin alsjebleift
I have a blue nose : Ik heb een blauwe neus