Douglas Gresham for Ramandu

I've said this before, but I'll say it again: If Charlton Heston was still alive and willing to do so, I think he'd be a great Ramandu. Everybody would probably keep on thining of Moses though if he did that (Watch "The Ten Commandments" if you don't know what I'm talking about. I'm sure some do, though! :D
He would've been AWESOME!
Oh not his personality at all! Just how he looks. I think he would be better as some sort of king or something. He seems kind of royal rigid. I don't know exactly how to explain it.
OH okay! I think that I see what you're saying, but I think that Ramandu should be a royal kind of rigid. He's a star!!! I think they should be regal.
I've said this before, but I'll say it again: If Charlton Heston was still alive and willing to do so, I think he'd be a great Ramandu. Everybody would probably keep on thining of Moses though if he did that (Watch "The Ten Commandments" if you don't know what I'm talking about. I'm sure some do, though! :D
I know exactly what you're talking about! Yes, if he were still here, he would do a great job. I really like Ten Commandments, but I love Ben-Hur.
Good thought.
Charlton Heston as Ramandu would have been intriguing.

I have always envinsioned Ramandu as being world weary like an Utnapishtim figure, much like Charlton Heston in Ben-Hur. In this vein I wonder could an actor like Ben Kingsley for example effectively portray Ramandu?
Christopher Plummer (with white extensions and a little coverup for the wrinkles) is my Ramadu.

He has that friendly almost Santa Clausish look about him, but also that amazing quiet dignity.

And when ever I think of him, I imagine him singing Eidelweiss.
Luciene, your thought brought to mind another actor one that from what I have seen of his perfomances combines the presence of Charlton Heston and could portray a santa claus like figure. The description you gave reminded me of Theodore Bikel, who portrayed Captain Georg Von Trapp in the original Broadway production of The Sound of Music.

I like him, he's better than my movie Von Trapp, tbh.
Luciene, yes that is Theodore Bikel, he primarily known for his theatre work. But, he has appeared in television and films as well. His voice has a baritone quality, it is deeper than Christopher Plummer's. In terms of physical appearance, he reminds me more of Topol. Interestingly both Bikel and Topol portrayed Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof.
Well, I always imagined Ramandu as a kindly father figure.

I never thought of him as world weary.

In essence, he's on vacation from his job.

So why wouldn't he be relaxed?
Doug as Ramandu? Well, I'd bet he could pull it off provided fans were not too destracted since he's so well known. That might be interesting.

Personally I'm still pushing for Andrew to play Puddleglum.