She sighed in relief "It's Rigel".
"It is him I heard him talking to Decay" she said hoping the Admiral would believe her.
"Be sure to keep this to yourself....untill we are sure what really happend...I'll see what I can do."
"If Rigel knew about the cloak and the meetings on the ship, he must know it was me.....I better get out of this before its too late."
The Admiral ran into his bedroom. "Austin, pack your things, we are leaving."
Austin looked suprized. "Why dad ,and why are you in such a hurry?"
noooooooooooooooo don"t leave!!!!!!this was my favorite until, sadly, the x-men took over!!! Bye!!
No we aren't closing. well we are but we aren't! we are going to a forum.well then
thats that then
Aasen and Leila eventually get married
Leila is always good friends with Acela
Ace and Leila rule the Southern Kingdom wonderfuly
and they get 5 kidsd
and yes Leila and Thorn are still bffsd