Elements II

What do you think of THE ELEMENTS??

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The Guard shrugged. "I'm as you know from the Fire Kingdom, there is not much that I love. Archery ofcourse." He had never really done anything else besides horseback riding and Archery.
Training starts

It was before dawn when Aasen woke everyone up. "Lets go people! First day of training! Eat breakfast fast and get your rums to the practice courts. You'll get paired up there."

He banged pots and pans together as Thorn barked.

Leila threw a shoe at him, but he managed to dodge it and swing her over his shoulder, "Come on Highness you'll need your porriage and coffee."

"I hate you," she grumbled.

"I know I know," he laughed and continued to ramble the pots and pans.
" What time is it?," she asked, looking out of the window " AHH it's still dark out!," she told him, getting up with her arms cross " Alex wake up!," she told him.
"Training!" Aasen smiled pertly...too pertly.

"Ahh come on Ace I'm tired!" Alex nearly whined.

"I might not be King of the Thieves anymore but you'll do as I say. Hurry up or I'll make you skip breakfast!"

"Rise and shine my beauty," he said to Leila who fell asleep over his shoulder.
"I'll shine but I won't rise," she retorted.

He dumped her in a seat next to the kitchen table.
Acela rolled her eyes, "FINE!"she said and slamed her door closed, and got dressed, in a simple yellow gown, and put her hair up, she came back out, and sat down at the table, glaring at the table.
"Porriage my wonderful band of maggots?"


"Yep. In northern Armies Leila thats what new recruits are called."

"Hence the barbaric society."

"Fine you dont get any."

Leila scowled, but was served, though last. She ate slowly as the others came into the room.

"So how long do we train?"

"ha ha all day, then you all can fight over baths..."

"I call the first one!" Leila nearly yelled.
" Oh, I know who I want to hurt first," she told him, making a fist " Alex do you want me to make you something to eat?," she asked, still glaring at Aasen.
"I call second,"she grumbled, and ate slowly, half asleep. "Aasen, you going to knock me out if I train all day!"she told him.
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