Emmett and Queenie, continued

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Then Queenie decided she wanted to swim in the water. Emmett knew she would love to do this so he also made sure those people who accompanied them were also specialized in deepsea diving.

" Mrs Frankl wants to go out for a swim and I think it's the perfect time for her to do so. So what do you think?"

The man in charge thought it was no problem and soon Queenie was ready and she dressed herself in a diving suit.

" Mrs Queenie Frankl.....you are not only the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen but you are also the most gorgeous deep-sea diver I've ever seen".

Queenie kissed her husband. The modcam was quickly removed for a few seconds by one of the fellow divers. When Emmett was ready himself the modcam was placed back and zoomed in at the happy couple. They both sticked out their tongues and a snapshot was made by the modcam.

" Okay Emmett and Queenie, are you two ready? I'm going to give you some instructions before we go. These are important and you have to follow the rules when you are coming into a tough situation".

The next 30 minutes Emmett And Queenie learnd the main instructions and practised a bit but then it was time to go into the water.
Having never done anything like this, even in Wonderland, Emmett was extremely attentive to the instructions, and followed them carefully as he and Queenie went into the water with their scuba-equipped shepherd.

Only after they were submerged did Emmett think about something he had never had occasion to think about before. How far down does the sunlight reach? If we kept on going down, how soon would we be in darkness? The guide, however, was not taking the novices that far down. It was something just to see the boat from below, see the play of late-afternoon light on the surface from below, see random small fish cruising past.....and oh yes, to see Queenie near him, radiating beauty even as she enjoyed herself with her typical girlish zest for life.
Captain Flynn had a huge onboard cold locker for his customers' catches. They expertly salvaged edible flesh from Queenie's marlin, while still keeping its body whole enough to be mounted as a trophy. Emmett asked no such elaborate measures with his two sea bass; Queenie having a trophy was enough to make him happy, so his bass were treated plainly and simply as food.

The sun was setting over inland Australia as they pulled back into harbor. That night, using the set-apart banquet room at the new steakhouse, they had Captain Flynn and his men as their free guests, along with their other new local friends, for a seafood feast.

And later, at their hotel suite, Queenie began to express her gratitude to Emmett for the joyful, adventurous day she had just experienced...while Emmett just as enthusiastically began to re-state his boundless admiration for his bride. A careless Mod-Cam technician, just newly hired at Mod-Cam Central, was so foolish as to activate the Mod-Cam in that hotel suite three minutes AFTER Emmett and Queenie got inside....and yes, the lens on that camera DID instantly melt.
The next morning Queenie stood up singing. Emmett woke up by the voice of his wife.

"Good morning my lass! What makes you smile on this beautiful morning?'

Queenie jumped besides her husband and kissed him. She smiled.

"Everyday besides you is a blessing Emmett! There hasn't been one single day I didn't thank the Lord for the change inside of me. And today I feel so very happy because we are going to see the Great Barrier Reef!"

Emmett immidiatly got up. He always wanted to see the Great Barrier Reef. The beauty and the diversity of animals, plants and coral always sounded like a dream. And today he was going to see it together with his Queenie.

" You better get ready young lass, because I can't wait until we get there!"

They had to catch a plane to take them to Townsville. And there they would take the boat which would bring them to the Barrier Reef. Soon both Emmett and Queenie were on board of the plane taking them to Townsville
During the time they were travelling by air, Emmett's hands did some travelling of their own when the Mod-Cam and other passengers weren't looking. The people in the seats directly in front of the Frankls wondered vaguely why the spectacular blonde "Sheila" behind them kept giggling intermittently.
When they landed at their destination in northeastern Australia, they could tell the weather was even warmer. Queenie, of course, was still wearing her burka over her nun's habit over her overalls.....and I still have that bridge in Brooklyn available for sale....
Ooc: That's right...I just found a buyer :D

Queenie and Emmett were waiting for their cab to take them to Townsville. Queensland was so big and beautiful. It as hot and you couldn't imagine it was winter at the other side of the world. Queenie loved Australia dearly. Finally their cab arrived and brought them to their hotel in Townsville. Emmett and Queenie checked in and Emmett couldn't wait until he was back in his new hotelroom with his beloved wife.
" Now Mrs Frankl....it looks like this room needs some introduction".

Queenie laughed. She knew her husband all too well now. They weren't married for that long but the bond between them had grown stronger and stronger. When Queenie thought about things Emmett could tell what she was thinking about even without being in the same room.

" My dear Mr Frankl.......I think we better should spend our precious time here today because it's already afternoon and I don't think we should go to the Barrier reef right now".

Emmett grinned. He couldn't agree more and so the poor modcam was making extra hours and if you could take a good look at the modcam you could see the camera turned red like it was blushing.

" That's what happens when you're working with a modcam. But you got paid to keep an eye on me and Mrs Frankl so you shouldn't complain. You brought it all on yourself".

Emmett and Queenie sticked out their tongues at the modcam.
And once they began making love, the whole east coast of Australia felt the ground gently shaking....
The next day they got up early to get ready. Great Barrier Reef Diving School would be their guide. The captain's name was Jack Malone and he talked about the Reef and all what was going on like the eco system and the global warming etc.

Emmett and Queenie went a board of the ship and soomn they were on their way. It still took a while before they reach the Reef but in the meantime Queenie saw Doplhins, Wales and even Sharks and Orka's. Emmett was amazed by the size of the giant wales. Jack explained a lot about their ecosystem and the food chain. Queenie even threw food into the water. And of course they took pictures. The modcam was so amazed it continued to make snapshots of the creatures
In tactfulness, Emmett didn't point out to Captain Malone how winter up in the Northern Hemisphere was getting COLDER, not milder.
Ooc: This was a point my brother told me about today as well......:eek:

Emmett whispered in Queenie's ear not to pay too much attention about the global warming part. Not because he didnt but because he knew facts were not stated yet and because the company also had their benefits with nature groups or organizations. So Emmett and Queenie enjoyed their trip. The Great Barrier Reef itself was fascinating. It was huge and Queenie loved the colors
Their guide gave a talk about great white sharks, since these are known to hunt sometimes around the famous reef. He explained how great-white attacks on humans (not counting feeding-frenzy cases) are believed to occur only when the sharks mistake a swimmer for a prey species preferred by sharks. Advice followed on how NOT to seem like a wounded sea lion.
And so both Emmett and Queenie had a great day at the Barrier Reef. Of course they dived to discover the diversity of underwater creatures and of course pics were taken. During the evening back in their hotel Emmett and Queenie both felt very tired. They never had been so tired before. And it was unusual for them to fall asleep so early without hands shaking etc.
In the middle of the night Emmett felt the presence of something or someone. He had seen this face before. It was Aslan...the Mighty Lion
"The time at which I hinted is drawing closer, My son," said the God-Lion. "It is not here yet, but you need to prepare your mind. When you and your brother entered the space-time dimension which reflected Lewis Carroll's fantasies, you found it in turmoil. I bid you, in days to come, give some thought to what things you would wish to have with you if you should find yourself, with Queenie, journeying in such a place, with very great turmoil afoot."

"Um, begging Your pardon, Lord, but do we get to finish our honeymoon first?"

Aslan almost laughed. "Your vacation in Australia, you will be allowed to complete. But your _honeymoon_ with your beloved who lies there beside you, will _never_ end."
In the morning--after an hour or two of the activity they had been too tired for last night--Emmett decided to place an international phone call to Jake back in Colorado. He let Jake know--as he had already let Queenie know--how he had spoken with Aslan last night.

NOTE: This is part of the setup for an "authored" story I hope to start writing about Emmett and Queenie in the near future. Assuming I manage to do this, it will be a Writing Club thread. THIS thread would still exist also--just focussing on Jake, Trinity, Ghost and Jessica for awhile.
(Note that the separate-but-related story with E and Q may begin soon.)

Back in Horse-With-No-Name-Ville, the former Matrix character Ghost was in the dumps. Jessica, the bellydancing bagpiper, had had to return to her college in Nebraska, just when she and Ghost had been growing really close. Jake told Ghost, "You're pretty rootless. Why don't _you_ go visit _her?_"

"But she didn't _say_ she wanted me to," the urban warrior objected.

"She might just want you to get the idea for yourself," Trinity pointed out. She would be glad not to have to listen to Ghost's laments of missing Jessica anymore; she and Jake had better things to do with their off-business time.
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