Fairy RPG

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"You still do homework? I've given that up completly! I make others do that," she laughed, "well we can try and take fruit from ol' Dawnfeather's tree."
Lalias was near a lake just looking at herself in the water. She was new at school and was very shy. She liked it well enough but wished she had some friends.
When Nightingale's younger sister Lilly came into the room, Nightingale rolled her eyes.
"Nothing that concerns you twerp, shouldn't you be I dont know picking stupid flowers?"
She rolled her eyes " What ew no I'm not that kind of fariy Night and you know that now tell me what you are talking about?," she asked, in a angry tone.
Rosalynne was walking by when she heard voices coming from a nearby tree. She looked at the paper Nightingale gave her, and saw it was Nightingale's tree. She nervously crept up and asked 'Hello? Is this Nightingale's tree?'
She rolled her eyes " What ew no I'm not that kind of fariy Night and you know that now tell me what you are talking about?," she asked, in a angry tone.

"Nothing!" She yelled. Suddenly they heard a voice from below.
Nightingale lookd down from her window and saw Rosalynne.
"Hey I make pretty good directions," she said with a smile and a wave.
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