Fairy Tale RPG


New member
I wanted to start a new RPG. You can be anyone you want, Cinderella, Sonow White, or make up someone, a maid, knight, princess, lord, evil stepmother, whatever. But this is just like what life would really be like in Fairy Tale land. If that makes since. We don't have to follow any actual story, just make it up.

Looks: (You can do a picture if you want)

Name: Elizabeth
Age: 14
Looks: (You can do a picture if you want)
Long brown hair that is a little curly, blue eyes, tanned from being in the sun.
Bio: She is a maid in the castle and has lived there all her life. She works in the kitchen a little, serving food and also does some cleaning, etc. When she's alone she likes to pretend she's a princess.
Job/Position: Maid
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Age 14
Looks: Brown shiny hair, hazel eyes ect.
Bio: A young boy who's been abused by his foster parents
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Wow how boring lol jk

Riding through a field, my horse galloping as fast as possible, once again some man the night chasing me. " Stop Following me!" i yelled, he didnt reply, only riding his steed toward me, holding a long spear, jutting it at my horse. - TO Be Continued
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lol. (Hey, make yourself older. youre too young to be a knight...)

Elizabeth was hard at work cleaning the castle bedrooms. She was collecting dirty sheets off the bed and putting new ones on. She glanced out the window and saw a knight being chased by another knight in totally black armor. She gasped as the black knight continued running towards the other, smaller knight.
Name: XeroXia
Looks: long black hair, dark purple eyes, quite tall, wears a long black dress,
Bio: She ran away from home years ago, she's lost. She used to be a princess but this has long since been forgotten. She now works as a maid.
Job/Position: Maid.
XeroXia was startled momentarily. But soon she grinned.
"It's ok." She said, picking up the sheets she had dropped.
as we rode, a saw a castle a maid standing in the window in shock. but being the unaware person i am, i wacked into a tree falling off my horse i raised myself up to fight. - to be continued
The two girls looked out the window again. They saw a young knight who had just run into a tree. He was sprawled on the ground, trying to reach his sword as the Black Knight approaced. The girls giggled.
ready to fight i raised my sword ( my shield remained in pieces ) i was suprised as the man droped his spear and said, " ive missed my you, king " - to be continued
king..? i asked, the man looking puzzled for a moment, then a kind look wiped across his face. as he was about to say something, i yelled, im not a king! and ran off across the field.
running as fast as i can i caught up with my horse. ( who had been running this whole time ) i jumped, still running, i swung myself over on top of my horse and rode into the forest.
Elizabeth jumped up as Princess Anne Marie walked down the hall. "I'm sorry your highness. I am just headed to the...er, kitchen."

(I'm changing this because you hadnt joined yet, padme pevesie...)
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XeroXia watched awe-struck. As the princess cinderella aproached them. She looked down, shuffling her feet uncomfortably.
"I was... was... making the beds for your new guests your highness." She curtsied, before hurrying off up the stairs.
After Elizabeth curtsied to Princess Anne Marie she hurried off to the kitchen and saw the young squire that she had seen out the window earlier.

"Oh, hello. What's your name?" she asked him.