Fairy Tale RPG

that night, noises kept me awake all night. screams, howls, everything worked against my sleep. when i was asleep i reunited with that awfull feeling of that man. wat was he saying? im a king? no way.the voices got loader in my head
(whoops. sorry evan. i think i messed up ur thing. oh well. ive only got 4 minutes of time left some im going to have to get off soon. just wanted to let you know...)
Princess Anne strolled through the halls. She was daydreaming, and didn't even notice the servants and other people who curtsied to her. She stopped in front of a painting of a handsome man on a horse, and stared at it.
as the voices got loader i heard a old womans voice, intangled and weakAwake my king,.. its me..awake[/U] i awoke and saw the woman, a witch terribly ugly as she laughed HarhahahHarHa
After Cinderella had left, XeroXia wondered around the castle. After a while she saw a princess looking at a picture.
"Excuse me, miss." She paused nervously. "Are you one of Cinderella's guests?"
After Cinderella had left, XeroXia wondered around the castle. After a while she saw a princess looking at a picture.
"Excuse me, miss." She paused nervously. "Are you one of Cinderella's guests?"

She tore her eyes away from the picture. "Yes, I'm visiting. I'm Princess Anne Marie." She smiled and held out her hand.
XeroXia was always nervous in front of authority, but this woman was different. She held her hand out to shake the princess'
"Would you like me to show you to your room, your highness?" She asked.
XeroXia walked quickly along the corridor. The rooms for the guests were at the far end. When she stopped, she said to Anne Marie:
"This is your room, I'm a maid here in the servants quaters. Feel free to ring for me if there's anything you need." She smiled vaguely.
XeroXia walked quickly along the corridor. The rooms for the guests were at the far end. When she stopped, she said to Anne Marie:
"This is your room, I'm a maid here in the servants quaters. Feel free to ring for me if there's anything you need." She smiled vaguely.

"Thank you so much." she leaned over and whispered, "Please don't hesitate to call me Anne."
XeroXia nodded.
"Is there anything you need now? Dinner is served at 7.00, followed by entertainment. I believe tonight it follows the theme of a ball."
XeroXia nodded.
"Is there anything you need now? Dinner is served at 7.00, followed by entertainment. I believe tonight it follows the theme of a ball."

"Nothing. I'm having a glorious time exploring this beautiful castle. I hope I'll see you later sometime!"
Someone had spilt something sticky on the stone staircase leading to the servant's quaters. As XeroXia descended, she tripped, landing unconcious at the bottom of the stairs, blood slowly leaking out of a cut in her arm.
Anne heard the noise of someone falling. She quickly ran out of her room and peered down the stairs. "OH NO!" she screamed and ran down the steps. "what to do, what to do?" she called for help and examined XeroXia.
XeroXia was unconscious, everything was black. She was sure she could hear someone calling, somewhere. Her eyes opened slowly.
as i stared into her glass eye she said some words in elvish...ekimok nonea sheloos... as i looked at my hands i realized what was happening, She Was Turning me into some kind of creature!