Fairy Tale RPG

i found a small bed with almost no cover, the survents qaurters, i walked through the puddles of water and put her on the bed. gave her some water and turned to the door looking for the princess
a guard walked in to find us on the bed with the girl. noticing the blood on my shirt he took me away thinking i did it and would not listen to the princesses protesting.
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the guard took my sword, and my clothes and gave me rags, a docter saw te girl and he said she would be fine thx to whoever preformed CPR but no matter how many times the princess told them they wouldn't listen. Meanwhile i was throne iinto the dungeon and was waiting for further notice
- sigh - "right now all she needs is tender love and care the docter"replied, handing her a glass bottle,"make sure she takes this once a day i understand that your a guest hear, well, welcome to Aurishia." he said as he left
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- sigh - "right now all she needs is tender love and care the docter"replied, handing her a glass bottle,"make sure she takes this once a day i understand that your a guest hear, well, welcome to Aurishia." he said as he left

"Thank you," Anne said, heaving another sigh. She turned to the girl.
Elizabeth walked down the castle corridor. She saw a Princess Anne Marie and the servant girl XeroXia. XeroXia looked like she was unconscious. The young man they had seen earlier that day was being hauled off by a guard. His shirt was stained with blood. What's happening!! she thought. She walked over to the princess and the maid. "Is everything all right?" She asked.