Fairy Tale RPG

Woah..! , i thought, This really is the sword of Aria! Oh Man! " Run!" One guard spat out. Everyone ran, screaming " The Sword Of Aria, The Sword of Aria! " I looked at the sword, the gaurds, then the sword again and thought: Only the king could weild this sword... Suddenly a old man's voice boomed, " Excactly, My boy, Excactly.
" Who's There?" "Me, Giffor, " the voice said " Giffor? " Yes my boy, " Giffor, king Arkanine's best Magician, and friend."
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XeroXia had awoken a different person. Before she'd fallen into unconciousness she had voiced an opinion to princess Anne Marie, that being that she reminded her of her sister.
This thought became clearer and clearer, as each second passed she was more aware of the truth.
"Thanks for staying with me." She whispered. "Hey, where'd that squire go anyway?"
The next thing i knew i awoke in a bed ( quite comfy ) slowly remembering all that had happened, i realized, Where am i? jumping up i saw an open door and imiddiatly ran for it. As soon as i was there the door slamed shut, me, of course running slap into it! " Your not getting out that way, My boy." i turned to the voice, a old man, gray hair with a kind look on his face sitting next a table to my left. " Who are you and why are you following me? " i asked. " Why, must we must go through this again?" apparently he assumed yes from my expression, " i am Griffor, the man who saved your life, and a friend to your father."
Elizabeth came back to consciouness. She was sitting on a bed in a small room. It was almost completely dark and her eyes had to adjust to the darkness. Eventually she was able to see fairly well. The room was practically empty. The main thing she noticed was a huge wooden door. She walked over to it and as she put her ear up to it she heard muffled voices coming through the door.

That sounds like the old man I heard earlier, saying I wasn't supposed to be here. Where am I? she wondered.
As we were talking i heard something at the door, i went and opened the door and Elizibeth, the maid that i awoke to in the forest, fell down on the floor! i stood there in silence, " Do you know this young lady? " Giffor asked. "ye.. yes. Giffor, this is Elizibeth. She works at Castle Aurishia."
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Elizabeth tumbled out the door she had been leaning against and fell at the feet of the squire and the old man. The squire still had a little bit of blood on his shirt from XeroXia's wound.

"What's going on?" she asked in a confused voice.
Hello my name is Sir william. You were brought here for a reason i'm sure. You....I mean We, just don't know what it is. I live in the forest, i saw when you were captured and followed you here, at least until i was captured.

name:Sir William
Looks:dirty blonde hair,blue eyes,somewhat tall,
bio:younge archer,(not robbin hood),looking for friends,just wants to help
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"I'm so confused...I mean I was sitting a a dungeon cell one minute and the next i fell through a hole and went unconscious."

She paused. "Surely you must know why we are all here, Gifor--I mean you live here. Well, at least you were here when I got here."
(err, major confusion. was that evan or gifor talking there...???)

"Well, I'm still confused. Do we have some sort of quest or something? Like knights?" She said with a grin at the thought of being a "knight".
It Was Giffor)

"Well, one of you has, a quest."The old man said smiling.Evan must use that sword to end the reign of the Traitor. He has fooled Generations into thinking he is the right full king. But Evan's teh right full air.
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(whos arkaine? i meant besides your father. am i supposed to know who he is.)

"Wow, I cant believe it. That's amazing."

She curtsided to Evan. "Your Highness."